Jun 14, 2009

Another Doctor visit.

We went back to CHOC on Monday and they told us Josiah was low on platelets and blood, but not enough to get a transfusion and to come back on Friday. Friday's appointment went much smoother because they gave me a topical numbing cream to put on Josiah an hour before that numbs the site and makes needle work ( blood being drawn) less painful! I was VERY grateful and he didn't cry at all while getting his labs. I feel for people in countries where such care and treatment isn't available. Here Josiah is showing the cream and the plastic covering that holds it in place.

We waited all day to hear back from them. (it is hard to plan activities for our family as we never know if we'll get called in or not) Finally it got late and I called and asked what the results were. The nurse said his platelets were low ( only 25,000 but that the doctors didn't tell him to come in. We thought that was strange as when he was only 15,000 they said he needed to come in and that anything below 50,000 was too low. This led to a somewhat stressful weekend for us. He has been lacking in energy a bit and taking more naps. They also mentioned because his white count is low, he is easily susecptible to infections and to try to keep him from sick people. This is hard as I am not the mom that is paranoid about my child being exposed to illnesses. Generally, so long as it isn't someone vomiting we typically don't mind and I consider it building immunity to be exposed, but it's a little different now. Something in his blood, (sorry can't recall what) was only 550 and that if it drops to to under 500 then he could be ill. I feel silly for not remembering the specifics. ( pregnancy brain you know) I am not sure if him sleeping more is because he needs a transfusion, is a growth spurt or his body is just recovering.

Quite a few people have called me asking if we've had the baby and NO, no baby yet. Truthfully the thought of having a baby with all this going on sort of overwhelms me and doesn't sound pleasant. I know I can't be pregnant forever, but just a little longer is fine with me. :-) It's not that I don't trust the Lord to help us in our time of need, it's just that it's so much easier to have baby in than out. ;-) The thought of schlepping two kiddos to get labs and transfusions doesn't sound appealing to me. I do promise to post when baby does arrive, now whether the baby will have a name or not, I cannot guarantee. :-) Thank you for asking and praying.
There is no situation so chaotic that God cannot from that
situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it
at the creation. He did it at the cross. He is doing it today.
-- Handley C. G. Moule


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