May 14, 2008

Our Adoption Journey/needing a larger mode of transportation

Some of you have asked WHY we are upgrading to a 12 or larger passenger vehicle. Well.... We were going to wait to announce it, but figured we might as well share... We have now BEGUN the paperchase hustle. :-) For those of you unsure about this adoption lingo... We are prayerfully going to attempt to adopt a precious sibling set from foster care. I have poured my heart out before the Lord many times asking Him to glorify Himself through our family. We long to take up the cause of the the widow and the orphan and to reflect His light and glory into dark situations. One of the ways we hope to accomplish that is by providing a home to those in need. We can not help ALL of the over 100,000 children languishing in foster care, but we can bless a few. A Jewish Proverb says “He who saves one life, saves the world entire.”
A love the verse from Ghandi, "Be the change you want to see in the world! "

We will start the CPR certification, the foster care and fost/adopt classes shortly. We may or may not get to adopt these children but here is how it started. We met with a wonderful adoptive couple from Saddleback (which BTW has a HUGE orphan outreach movement going on!) We were invited to their home and they shared the pros and cons of each type of adoption (private, domestic, foster to adopt and international) and shared their story. We walked away encouraged and feel that for the moment fost/adopt is the way to go.

After praying to the Lord asking Him to send us the children meant for our family I felt moved to go online and typed up "waiting children." Lo and behold I found a set that seem to fit us perfectly. There are four children. The oldest being the same age as our boys, another being close to the age of our daughter and another close to Josiah's age. ( and another kiddo thrown in for good measure.:-)

I prayed about it and excitedly printed it out. I woke my husband up and told him that I found our children. He looked at me almost delirious from his comatose sleep and eyed each photo of the children nodded and went back to sleep! ;-)He was a bit surprised at how MANY of them there were (he was thinking more along the lines of one or two) be but loves the idea of a home full of children. It is so sweet to hear him speak about bringing them into our family. When I homeschool my boys I think of how the oldest would LOVE the lessons we are doing. ( I can't WAIT to help him get caught up academically! It will be so fun) When I fold my daughters clothes I think of how cute it will look on the little girl. A while back I brought these 4 baby gap African jumpers with the intent of sending one to a friend, believing in faith that God would bless us with children to fit them. ;-) Pray for us! May the Lord go before us and give us the children that He has for US. (whatever THAT looks like. I have no clue. ) Thank you for your love, support and prayers, may His will be done. Alida


Atheism-Pull the Plug

Unless someone care's

Unless someone care's

Compassion Verse

"Lifehouse Anything Skit"

Our Mighty Arrows

Our Mighty Arrows