Mar 15, 2008

Meet Oscar - Saved From Abortion

Welcome to Call to Decision

Meet Oscar - Saved From Abortion

Monica and son, Oscar, born December 19th, 2005 - 7lbs. 12oz.
It has been a while since I have had the rare pleasure to meet one of the babies who was scheduled to die at our local abortion mill, but in God's mercy and grace, the mother changes her mind. I am a sidewalk counselor at Family Planning Associates Medical Group in Montclair, CA. Last year Monica drove into the FPA parking lot for her 10:00am abortion appointment. She saw the large photo-sign of Malachi, a baby boy aborted at 21 weeks.

When Monica saw the sign, she abruptly stopped her truck and I was able to walk over and speak with her. She told me that she recently had a tummy-tuck and the doctor told her not to get pregnant for one year. She was already two months pregnant. She didn't want an abortion but felt she had no choice. She went to several doctors who told her that either her or her baby would die if she continued the pregnancy. But after seeing the sign, she knew she couldn't do that to her baby. When I gave her a plastic model of an 11-12 week baby in utero, she saw that FPA had lied to her, telling her at two months her baby was not yet formed and "only blood".
I also gave her a packet of literature (including a postcard-size picture of Malachi), and an Alternate Avenues crisis pregnancy center business card. Shortly after arriving at Alternate Avenues, she saw her baby moving on the ultrasound screen. Even if it meant her life, Monica was going through with the pregnancy.
Without any pregnancy complications, Monica gave birth to Oscar, a healthy 7lb 12oz baby boy on December 19, 2005. She came back to Alternate Avenues to show them her baby on Feb. 3, 2006 and gave them permission to contact me. She had me over today for a wonderful lunch. Monica is so thankful, but I told her, if not for the grace of God, I wouldn't have been there. She has four other children, the oldest is nine years old. They have recently started going to church and wants to keep in touch. Please pray for Monica and her children.
One Christian who showed up,Sharon Guengerich <><


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