If you have read the book "there's always enough" by Heidi barker,than you know it was quite a treat that i got to see her thisevening! They did an evangelism /worship gathering at USC. They had aconcert and skits. It is a different kind of crowd. Many are likeDavid that dance before the Lord. it was WONDERFUL! I just admire herso much for her work~! They lived in Indonesia and England and otherplaces and ministered to not just the well to do or decent people,but to the drug addicted, the homeless, the prostitute, theuntouchables! Many came to God. When they go minister to people, theywould always live in the same ghetto places, slums like whoever theyministered to! That is how they'd gain their trust!
Then with only like 30 bucks in her pocket, she and her hubby went toMozambique. There they changed the nation by stopping for each andevery single orphan or person diseased or not, that came their way(many a times catching lice, scabies etc from holding and lovingthem. and it has sprung into an organization that has started 9000churches in the bush across the Africa and the WORLD! They feed about7000 kids a day, plus many others! Many times they didn't have enoughfood for the kids but they'd pray about it and the Lord wouldmultiply the food like in the gospels.They train up many pastors and encourage each pastor to adoptanywhere form 1-10 orphans and disciple them and trains them IN ADDITION to the other pastoral duties that they have! It is workingand many orphans are finding homes and being raised up to continue ontheir fathers work! AMEN! you can sign up to pray with them atwww.iris.com or www.iris.orgI am so inspired! They Baker family did all these mighty exploits forHim with two children of their own and adopted TONS AND TONS oforphans! It gives me hope that I or at least my children willdedicate their lives to minister to others and reach out to thoseshunned and forgotten by society. I got to see kids tonight that weregrown adults that were ministering to others, they had been snatchedfrom the clutches of death and starvation and put into a lovingfamily! It was just so cool!
Funny thing, folks kept coming up to usto pray for us. Once for my hubby and I, one for me, then someonefelt so moved to pray for the kids. She felt the call of God uponthem strongly.A gal came up and asked what we are praying for. My hubby said we arepraying to adopt! ( i just LOVE to hear him say that! The Lord hasworked in his heart in amazing ways!) Anyhoo she said something tothe extent of the Lord making us like Abraham, a great nationnumerous as the stars. If any of you know my heart, you know I wouldLOVE to have like 10 or 15 adopted children in addition to howevermany the Lord would give us. Anyways, I just love hearing about folksthat were blind getting healed, those that were dead being raised. Itis convicting that Jesus said that those thing that He did we wouldalso do, but greater. I have yet to lay hands on a blind, deaf orparalytic and have those things happen. ;-( Lord do I have to moveinto some 3rd world country to do that? or can I PLEASE do it fromthe comforts of my own home! <---only partly kidding. be blessed and inspired to move deeper in yourwalk ladies winning souls for jesus! love, Alida
Mar 31, 2008
Mar 19, 2008
Beginning stages of our Adoption/first support meeting
This is from february 23rd.
The Lord is getting ready to do A NEW thing. I am so excited. I signed up for this So Cal Haitian group that focused on Haiti and African adopted kids. I was invited to attend a function with people form neighboring churches in Orange county that had either already adopted, or were in the process of adopting. It was WONDERFUL! Can I share what I saw... I walked in and saw children from all ethnicities that had been placed in loving homes! This must be what heaven looks like. MANY joyful happy kids form all the colors of God's magnificent Earth! There was a gorgeous little Indian looking girl, I just missed meeting the Ethiopian child. Plenty of black children, Caucasian and mixed. It was so neat! I feel in LOVE with a beautiful little brown skinned curly headed girl that was just gorgeous. Her sweet German father told me that she was a safe haven baby Safe Haven ( http://www.babysafe.ca.gov/ ) I rejoiced to see this beautiful child alive and thriving. Her mother chose LIFE for her. In this day and age of convenience and moral relativism a mother thought it wise to give her child a future PRAISE GOD! She seemed to like me and I asked if her if I could take her home, she said yes! hehehe I reminded myself not to covet and that she already HAD a loving home.
I got to meet two families that are adopting from Haiti that I clicked with. One gal, Angela http://www.makefunofyourday.blogspot.com/ already has three children and wasn't even looking to adopt when God called her to it. God told her to adopt this little girl that has some medical issues. He later told her to ask about her siblings, that the orphanage didn't even know about. Later the birth mother gave birth to another child, a little boy. Some friends that visited the orphanage mentioned that they saw the birth mother of her adopted kids and that she had a baby, and asked if she was interested. She called the orphanage to ask about the baby. the pastor asked her "how did you find to about the baby? " He told her that the birth mother had come to him asking if Angela would be willing to adopt the baby as she is already adopting the siblings. the director said that the didn't want to ask her or she might feel pressured to take that child as well. Instead he told her that he would PRAY that if it was God's will for the baby boy to be adopted by that family, that SOME ONE OTHER THAN HIM would tell them about the baby! AND GOD DID IT! ( isn't He good like that!)
Finally a friend mentioned to Angela about three teens that were about to become too old to be adopted into a loving home and if she would pray for them. She said she would ONLY pray for them as she wasn't looking to adopt a teen. As she prayed for the three teens God spoke to her heart that one of them was her son! She obeyed and went and visited all the children and love EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM! Isn't God good. We both cried at her telling of the story!
The other family http://www.bringingkeananhome.blogspot.com/ I met adopted a cute little African American boy a little younger than my boys. She has a little toddler girl (bio) and is adopting another toddler named Keenan from Haiti. Her hubby spoke passionately that if the adoption was going to take 18 months (as that seems to be how long adoptions are taking for Haiti these days if not LONGER) that he'd move the whole family there and live in Haiti because THAT IS HIS SON! Wow. I was totally inspired!!!! What a sweet wonderful family. Kristen is so sweet, she drives her son all the way across the OC to put him in choir at a black church, so that he'll see people who look like him! AWESOME! They encouraged us as we are in the VERY BEGINNING stages in our adoption journey. I can't wait to see what the Lord will do. I have the feeling it is the beginning of a GREAT thing, a NEW thing. I can't wait to see how the Lord would redeem all that has happened for His WONDERFUL GLORY! Lord have your way! Amen! Alida w4
Thus says the Lord Who made a way through the sea, A path through the mighty waters. Remember not the former things, Neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing, Even now it is springing to light. Do you not perceive it? A way will I make in the wilderness And rivers in the desert! Isaiah 43:16-19.
The Lord is getting ready to do A NEW thing. I am so excited. I signed up for this So Cal Haitian group that focused on Haiti and African adopted kids. I was invited to attend a function with people form neighboring churches in Orange county that had either already adopted, or were in the process of adopting. It was WONDERFUL! Can I share what I saw... I walked in and saw children from all ethnicities that had been placed in loving homes! This must be what heaven looks like. MANY joyful happy kids form all the colors of God's magnificent Earth! There was a gorgeous little Indian looking girl, I just missed meeting the Ethiopian child. Plenty of black children, Caucasian and mixed. It was so neat! I feel in LOVE with a beautiful little brown skinned curly headed girl that was just gorgeous. Her sweet German father told me that she was a safe haven baby Safe Haven ( http://www.babysafe.ca.gov/ ) I rejoiced to see this beautiful child alive and thriving. Her mother chose LIFE for her. In this day and age of convenience and moral relativism a mother thought it wise to give her child a future PRAISE GOD! She seemed to like me and I asked if her if I could take her home, she said yes! hehehe I reminded myself not to covet and that she already HAD a loving home.
I got to meet two families that are adopting from Haiti that I clicked with. One gal, Angela http://www.makefunofyourday.blogspot.com/ already has three children and wasn't even looking to adopt when God called her to it. God told her to adopt this little girl that has some medical issues. He later told her to ask about her siblings, that the orphanage didn't even know about. Later the birth mother gave birth to another child, a little boy. Some friends that visited the orphanage mentioned that they saw the birth mother of her adopted kids and that she had a baby, and asked if she was interested. She called the orphanage to ask about the baby. the pastor asked her "how did you find to about the baby? " He told her that the birth mother had come to him asking if Angela would be willing to adopt the baby as she is already adopting the siblings. the director said that the didn't want to ask her or she might feel pressured to take that child as well. Instead he told her that he would PRAY that if it was God's will for the baby boy to be adopted by that family, that SOME ONE OTHER THAN HIM would tell them about the baby! AND GOD DID IT! ( isn't He good like that!)
Finally a friend mentioned to Angela about three teens that were about to become too old to be adopted into a loving home and if she would pray for them. She said she would ONLY pray for them as she wasn't looking to adopt a teen. As she prayed for the three teens God spoke to her heart that one of them was her son! She obeyed and went and visited all the children and love EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM! Isn't God good. We both cried at her telling of the story!
The other family http://www.bringingkeananhome.blogspot.com/ I met adopted a cute little African American boy a little younger than my boys. She has a little toddler girl (bio) and is adopting another toddler named Keenan from Haiti. Her hubby spoke passionately that if the adoption was going to take 18 months (as that seems to be how long adoptions are taking for Haiti these days if not LONGER) that he'd move the whole family there and live in Haiti because THAT IS HIS SON! Wow. I was totally inspired!!!! What a sweet wonderful family. Kristen is so sweet, she drives her son all the way across the OC to put him in choir at a black church, so that he'll see people who look like him! AWESOME! They encouraged us as we are in the VERY BEGINNING stages in our adoption journey. I can't wait to see what the Lord will do. I have the feeling it is the beginning of a GREAT thing, a NEW thing. I can't wait to see how the Lord would redeem all that has happened for His WONDERFUL GLORY! Lord have your way! Amen! Alida w4
Thus says the Lord Who made a way through the sea, A path through the mighty waters. Remember not the former things, Neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing, Even now it is springing to light. Do you not perceive it? A way will I make in the wilderness And rivers in the desert! Isaiah 43:16-19.
adoptive families,
children needing homes,
Mar 18, 2008
But GOD said!
I cried out to the Lord to do something with my life, and to make it count for something. He is faithful and has done just that! He will use you too, If you ask Him.
For some people, life is really really tough because Satan knows if he can get you when you are young, and get you feeling worthless, he can destroy your purpose, if we let him.
God is gracious because no hurt with Him is ever wanted, and nothing painful ever goes unused. Even our mistakes are used. Romans 8:28, and we know ALL THINGS work together for good to those that Love Him and are called according to His purposes.
The same awful things that made me hate life and suicidal, is now a blessing to theirs. Ecclesiastes tell us that "He makes everything beautiful in His time."
I wanted to share some things that the Lord showed me because it was helpful to me.. Hopefully it will encourage you. I don't know about you. but these are things Satan has told me again and again from the time I was a child, but I want you to see what God says about us.
Satan told me everyday that I was a mistake and had no purpose here, BUT GOD SAID Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose.
He also says Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
When I had children, he told me my children would amount to anything either... but God said..
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.""Proverbs 16:3 He also said "and all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13
When I have heard that I am illegitimate, bastard, unwanted etc...Bt God said God said I am the daughter of a High King, Galatians 3:26-27 (KJV) says, "For you are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. I thank the Lord that he is our Heavenly Father and "Psalm 27:10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will take me up. Also "God setteth the solitary (lonely) in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains:Psalm 68:6 When I hear that I am worthless...
Proverbs 31.10 AMP, "A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far Above Rubies or pearls." Luke 12:7 "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
You will always be this way, you are such a screw up.. but God said ' Philippians 1:6 ...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus also Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
When I hear how I have failed again God says Proverbs says For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, 1 Peter 4:8 Love covers a multitude of sins.
When I hear that I have messed up too much this time.. But God said
Lamentation 3:2222 Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
I love Elizabeth Elliott's quote about when you make a fail, mistake or sin " just do the next right thing." instead of letting it taking you further into sin or into a pit of failure and depression, shake it off, confess it, repent, and move on!
I made many mistakes, but I think of Jesus when He tells the disciples (who were rebuking Mary for pouring expensive oil all over His feet) LUKE 7:36-47. To whom much is forgiven, he loveth much; and to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And the Lord has forgiven me ALOT! from premarital sex, ruining my testimony to those I was witnessing to, to murdering my baby through abortion as a teen, the Lord uses all things for His Glory! I love how He can pick up the pieces form the mess that we've made and the hole we have dug and make it a masterpiece of His grace and glory!
Once we stop trying to hold on to control of our lives, or our plans and agendas he can do a great work. Ask the Lord to give you His vision for your children. Ask Him to show Him how you can "train them up in the way the should go." Which is the way the Lord has made them to go, their own natural bent. Ask Him to open your eyes to what His will is for your family! He will do it, He is faithful.
Go somewhere quiet and write down what goals you have for them, be it character or whatever.. Write down a mission statement of what you stand for as a family. Write how you plan to meet that statement and the goals. Then start asking the Lord to show you what your hidden sins are, and to Lead you! He will! He LOVES you and HE LOVES your children and He wants you to live life abundantly!
Love to you, In CHRIST, our GLORIOUS REDEEMING Savior! Alida w4
For some people, life is really really tough because Satan knows if he can get you when you are young, and get you feeling worthless, he can destroy your purpose, if we let him.
God is gracious because no hurt with Him is ever wanted, and nothing painful ever goes unused. Even our mistakes are used. Romans 8:28, and we know ALL THINGS work together for good to those that Love Him and are called according to His purposes.
The same awful things that made me hate life and suicidal, is now a blessing to theirs. Ecclesiastes tell us that "He makes everything beautiful in His time."
I wanted to share some things that the Lord showed me because it was helpful to me.. Hopefully it will encourage you. I don't know about you. but these are things Satan has told me again and again from the time I was a child, but I want you to see what God says about us.
Satan told me everyday that I was a mistake and had no purpose here, BUT GOD SAID Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose.
He also says Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
When I had children, he told me my children would amount to anything either... but God said..
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.""Proverbs 16:3 He also said "and all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13
When I have heard that I am illegitimate, bastard, unwanted etc...Bt God said God said I am the daughter of a High King, Galatians 3:26-27 (KJV) says, "For you are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. I thank the Lord that he is our Heavenly Father and "Psalm 27:10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will take me up. Also "God setteth the solitary (lonely) in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains:Psalm 68:6 When I hear that I am worthless...
Proverbs 31.10 AMP, "A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far Above Rubies or pearls." Luke 12:7 "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
You will always be this way, you are such a screw up.. but God said ' Philippians 1:6 ...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus also Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.
When I hear how I have failed again God says Proverbs says For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, 1 Peter 4:8 Love covers a multitude of sins.
When I hear that I have messed up too much this time.. But God said
Lamentation 3:2222 Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
I love Elizabeth Elliott's quote about when you make a fail, mistake or sin " just do the next right thing." instead of letting it taking you further into sin or into a pit of failure and depression, shake it off, confess it, repent, and move on!
I made many mistakes, but I think of Jesus when He tells the disciples (who were rebuking Mary for pouring expensive oil all over His feet) LUKE 7:36-47. To whom much is forgiven, he loveth much; and to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. And the Lord has forgiven me ALOT! from premarital sex, ruining my testimony to those I was witnessing to, to murdering my baby through abortion as a teen, the Lord uses all things for His Glory! I love how He can pick up the pieces form the mess that we've made and the hole we have dug and make it a masterpiece of His grace and glory!
Once we stop trying to hold on to control of our lives, or our plans and agendas he can do a great work. Ask the Lord to give you His vision for your children. Ask Him to show Him how you can "train them up in the way the should go." Which is the way the Lord has made them to go, their own natural bent. Ask Him to open your eyes to what His will is for your family! He will do it, He is faithful.
Go somewhere quiet and write down what goals you have for them, be it character or whatever.. Write down a mission statement of what you stand for as a family. Write how you plan to meet that statement and the goals. Then start asking the Lord to show you what your hidden sins are, and to Lead you! He will! He LOVES you and HE LOVES your children and He wants you to live life abundantly!
Love to you, In CHRIST, our GLORIOUS REDEEMING Savior! Alida w4
Letting GOD lead
Wonderful women of the Most High,
You may wish to listen to this neat inspiring message by Voddie Baucham centrality of the home http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?op=&cid=696 I am having the same thing, sore breast, nausea, irritable, etc. I keep taking tests,. they keep coming back negative. I was wondering if the Lord is telling me that we will start having spiritually babies... ;-)( we have quite a few ministry type things taking place over here.. We are also treading carefully down our adoption journey and perhaps the Lord is allowing me to feel the each of steps as one who is carrying a baby to term.
I just wanted to encourage you, though I am very radical and different than most... It is the The Lord that open and closes the womb. The Lord knows what is best for your life and your family. Besides that, we are so fickle as mere finite humans that we don't even KNOW what we want, we only THINK we know. There are so many things that I have sought after in this little life that I thought I needed. Only to discover that they were fleshly desires or worldly goals that brought only temporary satisfaction. On the other hand, there were thinbirth control, profamily, large family, trusting Gogs I never even knew that I wanted that are my most valued and treasured possessions! ( My husband, children) In His Word when someone gets pregnant, it speaks about " God visited her." (meaning she conceives a child.) Isn't that beautiful? Each baby has a purpose and a plan and God knits it together. An eternal soul that lives long after our worldly possessions have rotted away. The bible says children are a blessing and the result of God's Goodness, something to be desired and sought after. In Our culture we are so anti God, anti child and anti family, hedonistic, and self serving that we have really lost priority of what is really eternal and important to our Lord. (PEOPLE!) Even as Christians. I know many Christians that make many MANY life changing decisions all without ever seeking the Lord's opinion or guidance. But if He is Lord ( master) how can that be? I heard a quote that "He is either Lord of all or not Lord at all." Below, I have included the Definition of Lord.
Lord There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered. (1.) Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4, both in the Authorized and the Revised Version. (2.) Heb. 'adon, means one possessed of absolute control. It denotes a master, as of slaves (Gen. 24:14, 27), or a ruler of his subjects (45:8), or a husband, as lord of his wife (18:12). The old plural form of this Hebrew word is _'adonai_. From a superstitious reverence for the name "Jehovah," the Jews, in reading their Scriptures, whenever that name occurred, always pronounced it _'Adonai_. (3.) Greek kurios, a supreme master, etc. In the LXX. this is invariably used for "Jehovah" and "'Adonai."
BTW, birth control has only existed in the last century. (before Margaret Sanger start planned Parenthood.) ( a VERY wicked organization. ) http://www.dianedew.com/sanger.htm http://www.eadshome.com/MargaretSanger.htm www.blackgenociDE.COM
Women had to do what they've always done... trust God to open and close the womb and guide there hearts and homes. ;-) I am not saying you are using BIRTH CONTROL... but if any here do.. do you know that many BC like the pill, IUD, and the DP shots CAUSE pregnancy then causes your body to abort? YIKES! there is LOTS of info on this omline. You may wish to prayerfully seek another option. Grandma Becky posted an article about this not to long ago, you can do a search on our site.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service" (Rom. 12:1).We need to, as the body of Christ, be focused on seeking God's plan and vision for our lives and families instead of our own agenda's. I don't know what that may be for each person. but I encourage each of you to seek His face in ALL things. HE May call you to do some things you never thought of and He may want you to do some really hard things, and He May call you to STOP doing certain things. But, the beauty of walking with our GLORIOUS Lord and Savior is that He knows what He is doing at all times and in all things! I encourage each person here to humbly and prayerfully SEEK HIS FACE asking Him to show you any hidden sin, and to cleanse it. If we have been holding on to secular ideas, Lord open our eyes. If we have been Master of leading our own lives Lord teach us to SURRENDER to your will, YIELD to you, to boldly serve and follow after you. Ask Him to give you His heart, His eyes, and His vision. Ask Him what parts of your life are you holding on to and what parts of your life does He want you to change. We hold on to areas of our lives and things we refuse to give it up. Like a toddler holding on to a knife, our heavenly Father patiently waits with His hand open, gently asking us to give it over to Him, so we don't wound ourselves in the process of holding on tightly. He won't just yank it out of our hands. He waits for us to lay it down on our own.
Free will ya know! ;-)
As believers, our bodies are not our own, nor is our time or this life our own. Ask Him what He wants to do with your body, your life, and your family. Ask Him to use you for HIS GLORY! This will not look like everybody else, but it will be Him guiding those decisions and their is FREEDOM in not having to Have all the answers or thinking that I have to make all these hard decisions myself. I don't have to worry about "messing things up." ;-) Love to you and your precious families. Having a BLAST in Christ! Alida bondservant of Jesus
The Kingdom of God is not just talking; it is living by God's power." 1 Cor 4:20
The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing. But in our culture, we apply for a curse and reject a blessing. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.
~Doug Phillips, Vision Forum Ministries
You may wish to listen to this neat inspiring message by Voddie Baucham centrality of the home http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?op=&cid=696 I am having the same thing, sore breast, nausea, irritable, etc. I keep taking tests,. they keep coming back negative. I was wondering if the Lord is telling me that we will start having spiritually babies... ;-)( we have quite a few ministry type things taking place over here.. We are also treading carefully down our adoption journey and perhaps the Lord is allowing me to feel the each of steps as one who is carrying a baby to term.
I just wanted to encourage you, though I am very radical and different than most... It is the The Lord that open and closes the womb. The Lord knows what is best for your life and your family. Besides that, we are so fickle as mere finite humans that we don't even KNOW what we want, we only THINK we know. There are so many things that I have sought after in this little life that I thought I needed. Only to discover that they were fleshly desires or worldly goals that brought only temporary satisfaction. On the other hand, there were thinbirth control, profamily, large family, trusting Gogs I never even knew that I wanted that are my most valued and treasured possessions! ( My husband, children) In His Word when someone gets pregnant, it speaks about " God visited her." (meaning she conceives a child.) Isn't that beautiful? Each baby has a purpose and a plan and God knits it together. An eternal soul that lives long after our worldly possessions have rotted away. The bible says children are a blessing and the result of God's Goodness, something to be desired and sought after. In Our culture we are so anti God, anti child and anti family, hedonistic, and self serving that we have really lost priority of what is really eternal and important to our Lord. (PEOPLE!) Even as Christians. I know many Christians that make many MANY life changing decisions all without ever seeking the Lord's opinion or guidance. But if He is Lord ( master) how can that be? I heard a quote that "He is either Lord of all or not Lord at all." Below, I have included the Definition of Lord.
Lord There are various Hebrew and Greek words so rendered. (1.) Heb. Jehovah, has been rendered in the English Bible LORD, printed in small capitals. This is the proper name of the God of the Hebrews. The form "Jehovah" is retained only in Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83:18; Isa. 12:2; 26:4, both in the Authorized and the Revised Version. (2.) Heb. 'adon, means one possessed of absolute control. It denotes a master, as of slaves (Gen. 24:14, 27), or a ruler of his subjects (45:8), or a husband, as lord of his wife (18:12). The old plural form of this Hebrew word is _'adonai_. From a superstitious reverence for the name "Jehovah," the Jews, in reading their Scriptures, whenever that name occurred, always pronounced it _'Adonai_. (3.) Greek kurios, a supreme master, etc. In the LXX. this is invariably used for "Jehovah" and "'Adonai."
BTW, birth control has only existed in the last century. (before Margaret Sanger start planned Parenthood.) ( a VERY wicked organization. ) http://www.dianedew.com/sanger.htm http://www.eadshome.com/MargaretSanger.htm www.blackgenociDE.COM
Women had to do what they've always done... trust God to open and close the womb and guide there hearts and homes. ;-) I am not saying you are using BIRTH CONTROL... but if any here do.. do you know that many BC like the pill, IUD, and the DP shots CAUSE pregnancy then causes your body to abort? YIKES! there is LOTS of info on this omline. You may wish to prayerfully seek another option. Grandma Becky posted an article about this not to long ago, you can do a search on our site.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service" (Rom. 12:1).We need to, as the body of Christ, be focused on seeking God's plan and vision for our lives and families instead of our own agenda's. I don't know what that may be for each person. but I encourage each of you to seek His face in ALL things. HE May call you to do some things you never thought of and He may want you to do some really hard things, and He May call you to STOP doing certain things. But, the beauty of walking with our GLORIOUS Lord and Savior is that He knows what He is doing at all times and in all things! I encourage each person here to humbly and prayerfully SEEK HIS FACE asking Him to show you any hidden sin, and to cleanse it. If we have been holding on to secular ideas, Lord open our eyes. If we have been Master of leading our own lives Lord teach us to SURRENDER to your will, YIELD to you, to boldly serve and follow after you. Ask Him to give you His heart, His eyes, and His vision. Ask Him what parts of your life are you holding on to and what parts of your life does He want you to change. We hold on to areas of our lives and things we refuse to give it up. Like a toddler holding on to a knife, our heavenly Father patiently waits with His hand open, gently asking us to give it over to Him, so we don't wound ourselves in the process of holding on tightly. He won't just yank it out of our hands. He waits for us to lay it down on our own.
Free will ya know! ;-)
As believers, our bodies are not our own, nor is our time or this life our own. Ask Him what He wants to do with your body, your life, and your family. Ask Him to use you for HIS GLORY! This will not look like everybody else, but it will be Him guiding those decisions and their is FREEDOM in not having to Have all the answers or thinking that I have to make all these hard decisions myself. I don't have to worry about "messing things up." ;-) Love to you and your precious families. Having a BLAST in Christ! Alida bondservant of Jesus
The Kingdom of God is not just talking; it is living by God's power." 1 Cor 4:20
The Bible calls debt a curse and children a blessing. But in our culture, we apply for a curse and reject a blessing. Something is terribly wrong with this picture.
~Doug Phillips, Vision Forum Ministries
Mar 15, 2008
Meet Oscar - Saved From Abortion

Welcome to Call to Decision
Meet Oscar - Saved From Abortion
Monica and son, Oscar, born December 19th, 2005 - 7lbs. 12oz.
It has been a while since I have had the rare pleasure to meet one of the babies who was scheduled to die at our local abortion mill, but in God's mercy and grace, the mother changes her mind. I am a sidewalk counselor at Family Planning Associates Medical Group in Montclair, CA. Last year Monica drove into the FPA parking lot for her 10:00am abortion appointment. She saw the large photo-sign of Malachi, a baby boy aborted at 21 weeks.
When Monica saw the sign, she abruptly stopped her truck and I was able to walk over and speak with her. She told me that she recently had a tummy-tuck and the doctor told her not to get pregnant for one year. She was already two months pregnant. She didn't want an abortion but felt she had no choice. She went to several doctors who told her that either her or her baby would die if she continued the pregnancy. But after seeing the sign, she knew she couldn't do that to her baby. When I gave her a plastic model of an 11-12 week baby in utero, she saw that FPA had lied to her, telling her at two months her baby was not yet formed and "only blood".
I also gave her a packet of literature (including a postcard-size picture of Malachi), and an Alternate Avenues crisis pregnancy center business card. Shortly after arriving at Alternate Avenues, she saw her baby moving on the ultrasound screen. Even if it meant her life, Monica was going through with the pregnancy.
Without any pregnancy complications, Monica gave birth to Oscar, a healthy 7lb 12oz baby boy on December 19, 2005. She came back to Alternate Avenues to show them her baby on Feb. 3, 2006 and gave them permission to contact me. She had me over today for a wonderful lunch. Monica is so thankful, but I told her, if not for the grace of God, I wouldn't have been there. She has four other children, the oldest is nine years old. They have recently started going to church and wants to keep in touch. Please pray for Monica and her children.
One Christian who showed up,Sharon Guengerich <><http://www.spiritfx.com/sguengerich_120503.htm
Meet Oscar - Saved From Abortion
Monica and son, Oscar, born December 19th, 2005 - 7lbs. 12oz.
It has been a while since I have had the rare pleasure to meet one of the babies who was scheduled to die at our local abortion mill, but in God's mercy and grace, the mother changes her mind. I am a sidewalk counselor at Family Planning Associates Medical Group in Montclair, CA. Last year Monica drove into the FPA parking lot for her 10:00am abortion appointment. She saw the large photo-sign of Malachi, a baby boy aborted at 21 weeks.
When Monica saw the sign, she abruptly stopped her truck and I was able to walk over and speak with her. She told me that she recently had a tummy-tuck and the doctor told her not to get pregnant for one year. She was already two months pregnant. She didn't want an abortion but felt she had no choice. She went to several doctors who told her that either her or her baby would die if she continued the pregnancy. But after seeing the sign, she knew she couldn't do that to her baby. When I gave her a plastic model of an 11-12 week baby in utero, she saw that FPA had lied to her, telling her at two months her baby was not yet formed and "only blood".
I also gave her a packet of literature (including a postcard-size picture of Malachi), and an Alternate Avenues crisis pregnancy center business card. Shortly after arriving at Alternate Avenues, she saw her baby moving on the ultrasound screen. Even if it meant her life, Monica was going through with the pregnancy.
Without any pregnancy complications, Monica gave birth to Oscar, a healthy 7lb 12oz baby boy on December 19, 2005. She came back to Alternate Avenues to show them her baby on Feb. 3, 2006 and gave them permission to contact me. She had me over today for a wonderful lunch. Monica is so thankful, but I told her, if not for the grace of God, I wouldn't have been there. She has four other children, the oldest is nine years old. They have recently started going to church and wants to keep in touch. Please pray for Monica and her children.
One Christian who showed up,Sharon Guengerich <><http://www.spiritfx.com/sguengerich_120503.htm
baby saved,
choose life,
chose life,
pro family,
saved from abortion
Mar 5, 2008
Guy's Rules
Guy's Rules
At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down. Finally, the
guys' side of the story. (I must admit, it's pretty good.) We always
hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from
the male side. These are our rules!
Please note.. These are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!
1. Men are NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put
it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us
complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the
tides. Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it
that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints
do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's
what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a Problem. See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In
fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.
1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect
us to act like soap opera guys.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the
ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it
done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it
1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit.
We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like
nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an
answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is
fine. Really!
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to
discuss such topics as SEX, CARS, the shotgun formation, or HOCKEY.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!
1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the
couch tonight; but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like
At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down. Finally, the
guys' side of the story. (I must admit, it's pretty good.) We always
hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from
the male side. These are our rules!
Please note.. These are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!
1. Men are NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put
it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us
complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the
tides. Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it
that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints
do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work!
Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's
what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a Problem. See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In
fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.
1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect
us to act like soap opera guys.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the
ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it
done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it
1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit.
We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like
nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an
answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is
fine. Really!
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to
discuss such topics as SEX, CARS, the shotgun formation, or HOCKEY.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!
1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the
couch tonight; but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like
Mar 2, 2008
How good is He?
I can't get over how Good the Lord has been to us! Really, I have said it again and again. It is amazing how He used that whole ugly PAINFUL ordeal of last year to bring about a wonderful testimony of His refining redemptive love. So many people tell me that we are such on on fire spirit led family for Him. How we are so hospitable, how God's hand is on us. We tell them that it is because of God's mercy and goodness, and the sanctification that took place all of last year, (well, my whole life really) and our promise as a family to use what God has given us for HIS purposes! I don't think we would have been so appreciative of what we have now, if we didn't go through the fiery furnace of last year! I can't tell you the changes in my husband. I get to hear him sharing his faith, his reasons for why we are pursuing adoption, HIS TESTIMONY! He is growing and it is faith building. My favorite thing is to hear him sing hymns worshipping the Lord. :-) I thank the Lord for my wonderful husband who has had to see me learn how to trust, and love and yield. He is so patient. We will be married 7 year son the 31st. He wants to be baptized.
I am also so grateful to be alive. I see it more and more as I interact with people who raised me that are caught in a snare of suffering and sin. There were so many times Satan tried to snuff out my life ( and prevent my children from being brought into this world), and to see me keep my in bondage. It is so wonderful to see how God has used each hurt and trial to bring Him Glory. I am glad for the many people HE brought to my life that encourage me in my walk. I am blessed by the people the Lord puts in our path to witness and minister too, and to pray for. I am thankful for the many sisters that prayed with me during the Retreat! The Lord has healed my broken and hurt heart in a way that I never thought possible! The Joy of the Lord is our STRENGTH! I have been able to minister to my mother and others about how God wants us to live and abundant life and how He can HEAL our hurts and cleanse our ugly pasts. That He uses all things for Good. I am thankful that the Lord can pick up the pieces of the mess that we have made and the hole we have dug for ourselves and make it a masterpiece of His grace and glory! I am thankful that He uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Sorry this is so long...LUKE 7:36-47. To whom much is forgiven, he loveth much; and to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
Psalm 40: 1 I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay,
Psalm 40:3 He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
I am also so grateful to be alive. I see it more and more as I interact with people who raised me that are caught in a snare of suffering and sin. There were so many times Satan tried to snuff out my life ( and prevent my children from being brought into this world), and to see me keep my in bondage. It is so wonderful to see how God has used each hurt and trial to bring Him Glory. I am glad for the many people HE brought to my life that encourage me in my walk. I am blessed by the people the Lord puts in our path to witness and minister too, and to pray for. I am thankful for the many sisters that prayed with me during the Retreat! The Lord has healed my broken and hurt heart in a way that I never thought possible! The Joy of the Lord is our STRENGTH! I have been able to minister to my mother and others about how God wants us to live and abundant life and how He can HEAL our hurts and cleanse our ugly pasts. That He uses all things for Good. I am thankful that the Lord can pick up the pieces of the mess that we have made and the hole we have dug for ourselves and make it a masterpiece of His grace and glory! I am thankful that He uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Sorry this is so long...LUKE 7:36-47. To whom much is forgiven, he loveth much; and to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
Psalm 40: 1 I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay,
Psalm 40:3 He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.
redeemed suffering,
Unless someone care's
