Oct 26, 2009
I Peter 1:7
Good LORD! This is beautiful. "that the testing of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." I Peter 1:7
Oct 22, 2009
Praise the Lord! Huatzin is Working!!!
Rodriguez Family update.
Isaiah 58:8 Your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.
Many of you have covered us in prayer. The Lord in His faithfulness and His timing answered us. In the 11th hour don't ya know. ;-) God is His goodness provided Huatzin with a job out of the 100 plus men still searching for work.. Finally! I still can't believe it. Almost 6 MONTHS to the day of being let go from his job he is now working again. He is so thankful! I can't begin to imagine how hard this must have been on him. I could CRY telling you that him losing his job was the beginning of a VERY LONG SEASON of meekly trusting in the Lord for His EVERY provision.. From guidance, to our daily bread, two hospitalizations, trusting for the healing of our son, the birth of our baby and everything else in between. Huatzin getting a job was the first and last piece of the puzzle the last 6 months of tremendous adversity. It's hard to believe, but I am so grateful for all that has taken place. I never in my life fully comprehended that the Lord could provide for us for such long a time without our help or my striving. He is truly Jehovah Jireh! My Abba Father came through. It causes me to weep, my own earthly Father never provided and I at times would struggled trusting that my Heavenly Father would. I knew all the scriptures and had all the head knowledge. He lovingly patiently coaxed me to trust Him with the same assurance as my own children trust my husband and I. He loves each of us and like Matthew says , even the hairs on our head are numbered. We are His precious little children and He delights in us as a motherly tenderly cares for her child. I thank Him for not giving me all the things I wanted, but for providing all the things that we needed, in the timing that we needed them.
We have grown closer as a family and have grown so much. My children were able to pray for and see God's miracles as we came to the end of ourselves and ALL of our self efforts failed. They will always remember the great and mighty things the Lord done. We are grateful for friendships that deepened and even the ones that faded as they were a bit more superficial. Adversity is the best tester of friends ;-) ) We will always remember and be grateful for you many saints that were the hands and feet of Christ, Jesus with skin on. We learned that the family of God is BIG!! That we have many brothers and sisters that we've never even seen or met but that pray with us, help us and care for us. Thank you for little odd jobs for Huatzin, friends that brought over groceries, gift cards, and the unexpected monetary blessings that some felt led to give. We enjoy GIVING way more than receiving. The hardest thing for me to do EVER is to accept help. MY WHOLE BEING felt like I dying to self accepting assistance. The thought of inconveniencing someone, or being a burden terrifies me. We are one body and when one hurts we all hurt. We have learned that the Lord answers prayer in His own special way. It has been so humbling. I could go on about that, but enough said.
At times the difficulties were just like ocean waves beating against me and rolling over me. At the most difficult times I have felt such gratitude and supernatural peace. I have learned so much about myself and who I am In the midst of the great and mighty God that tenderly cares for us and orchestrates even the tiniest details of our lives. I have also learned that the Lord loves me too much to let me to be comfortable or become lazy, apathetic, mediocre and stagnant. He will chip away and chisel and heat things up around us until we are brightly shining and glorious for His good works. If you pray to be used mightily of the Lord He will first need to cleanse, refine, break, humble and purify you first. He'll make sure that you mean what you ask and if you are willing to endure and overcome various trials to get to the place of being usable to Him. You will probably wonder why you prayed that prayer. ;-) It is said that everyone desires the mountaintop experience, but not many want to make the agonizing climb to reach it. But, the view and perspective from up here is amazing! I have learned that things will often get guttingly and painfully worse before it gets better. But that often when the palpable darkness of affliction is hardest, deliverance is close at hand.. (Luke 21:28) "When these things come to pass, then look up, and LIFT UP YOUR HEADS; for your redemption draweth nigh." "Weeping may endure for the night, but JOY comes in the morning." Thank you for praying with us, loving us and carrying us in our brokenness. We look forward to blessing those as we have been blessed. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." Alida, Huatzin & Rodriguez Family.
Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone over me.
The LORD will command His love in the daytime,
And in the night His song shall be with me—
A prayer to the God of my life.(Psalm 42:7-8)
Isaiah 58:8 Your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.
Many of you have covered us in prayer. The Lord in His faithfulness and His timing answered us. In the 11th hour don't ya know. ;-) God is His goodness provided Huatzin with a job out of the 100 plus men still searching for work.. Finally! I still can't believe it. Almost 6 MONTHS to the day of being let go from his job he is now working again. He is so thankful! I can't begin to imagine how hard this must have been on him. I could CRY telling you that him losing his job was the beginning of a VERY LONG SEASON of meekly trusting in the Lord for His EVERY provision.. From guidance, to our daily bread, two hospitalizations, trusting for the healing of our son, the birth of our baby and everything else in between. Huatzin getting a job was the first and last piece of the puzzle the last 6 months of tremendous adversity. It's hard to believe, but I am so grateful for all that has taken place. I never in my life fully comprehended that the Lord could provide for us for such long a time without our help or my striving. He is truly Jehovah Jireh! My Abba Father came through. It causes me to weep, my own earthly Father never provided and I at times would struggled trusting that my Heavenly Father would. I knew all the scriptures and had all the head knowledge. He lovingly patiently coaxed me to trust Him with the same assurance as my own children trust my husband and I. He loves each of us and like Matthew says , even the hairs on our head are numbered. We are His precious little children and He delights in us as a motherly tenderly cares for her child. I thank Him for not giving me all the things I wanted, but for providing all the things that we needed, in the timing that we needed them.
We have grown closer as a family and have grown so much. My children were able to pray for and see God's miracles as we came to the end of ourselves and ALL of our self efforts failed. They will always remember the great and mighty things the Lord done. We are grateful for friendships that deepened and even the ones that faded as they were a bit more superficial. Adversity is the best tester of friends ;-) ) We will always remember and be grateful for you many saints that were the hands and feet of Christ, Jesus with skin on. We learned that the family of God is BIG!! That we have many brothers and sisters that we've never even seen or met but that pray with us, help us and care for us. Thank you for little odd jobs for Huatzin, friends that brought over groceries, gift cards, and the unexpected monetary blessings that some felt led to give. We enjoy GIVING way more than receiving. The hardest thing for me to do EVER is to accept help. MY WHOLE BEING felt like I dying to self accepting assistance. The thought of inconveniencing someone, or being a burden terrifies me. We are one body and when one hurts we all hurt. We have learned that the Lord answers prayer in His own special way. It has been so humbling. I could go on about that, but enough said.
At times the difficulties were just like ocean waves beating against me and rolling over me. At the most difficult times I have felt such gratitude and supernatural peace. I have learned so much about myself and who I am In the midst of the great and mighty God that tenderly cares for us and orchestrates even the tiniest details of our lives. I have also learned that the Lord loves me too much to let me to be comfortable or become lazy, apathetic, mediocre and stagnant. He will chip away and chisel and heat things up around us until we are brightly shining and glorious for His good works. If you pray to be used mightily of the Lord He will first need to cleanse, refine, break, humble and purify you first. He'll make sure that you mean what you ask and if you are willing to endure and overcome various trials to get to the place of being usable to Him. You will probably wonder why you prayed that prayer. ;-) It is said that everyone desires the mountaintop experience, but not many want to make the agonizing climb to reach it. But, the view and perspective from up here is amazing! I have learned that things will often get guttingly and painfully worse before it gets better. But that often when the palpable darkness of affliction is hardest, deliverance is close at hand.. (Luke 21:28) "When these things come to pass, then look up, and LIFT UP YOUR HEADS; for your redemption draweth nigh." "Weeping may endure for the night, but JOY comes in the morning." Thank you for praying with us, loving us and carrying us in our brokenness. We look forward to blessing those as we have been blessed. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." Alida, Huatzin & Rodriguez Family.
Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls;
All Your waves and billows have gone over me.
The LORD will command His love in the daytime,
And in the night His song shall be with me—
A prayer to the God of my life.(Psalm 42:7-8)
Oct 8, 2009
Counting my blessings Part 2
I once heard a sermon about the staff. Thy rod, Thy staff they comfort me.. Whenever a shepherd overcame an attack or trial or felt the Lord spared them from something, he would carve it into his staff. When he would sit alone and begin to grow weary, he would lean on his staff for strength or look at the markings and remember all that they Lord delivered him from. I am going to give thanks to remember all that the Lord has done for us. Other than the OBVIOUS of helping Josiah improve healthwise...
The Lord answered our prayers a few months ago in an amazing way. We were checking out alternative ways to heal Josiah and the class I took and all the literature I read mentioned a certain product that would greatly help our son. I wanted to get it before but could never afford it. I asked my Husband and showed him information on how it helps aid in healing and he hesitated as we couldn't afford it. He said pray about it. I did, I felt really strongly that we were being led to get it as it as a natural way to heal Josiah. I went to check the mail, and behold their was a certified letter! ;-) I opened it up and it was a LARGE sum of money from Vineyard La Habra. I thought we were mistaken and was astonished as we looked at the pile of money. It was a true miracle and answer to prayer.
1) the fact that God used a CHURCH body that we didn't even KNOW existed, that somehow heard about us and God laid it on their heart to meet a financial need in our family just blew me away. The other MIRACLE is that it actually got to us! For some reason our mail always gets delivered to our neighbors! CONSTANTLY and vice versa. We are forever running mail back as it's constantly delivered to a wrong address. The fact that that HUGE envelope untouched is just a testament to God's mercy! We were so grateful at that timely gift for our family and our kids were SO AMAZED that they got to SEE God answer a prayer for provision so immediately an obviously. I am not sure who passed our information on but you are in our prayers and we thank you, all of you!
One time that I mentioned was when I was so weary at the hospital and feeling so low. On the way to shower a nurse stopped me and asked me if my son was Josiah and I was Alida. I replied yes. She said " well we have been praying for your family. I go to CCEA! " It was at that same timely moment that I was feeling overwhelmed and completely weary that HE sent someone to remind us that we were loved and not forgotten and that He cares for us. I cry just thinking about how that encouraging word blessed us. Sweet lady, I was to tired too get your name but I thank God for you!
Another blessing was that we finally went to the park for the first time since being hospitalized. I was a bit stressed and exhausted. I came home and people from a group I am in came by and FILLIED my home with FOOD while we were gone! We could hardly store it! I could hardly believe my eyes, it was ALL foods our family eats. and if THAT wasn't blessing enough, they left a check too. sniff sniff. Nurys, food fairy, you are an ANGEL, so are all you sweet sisters from Pizza Nights, and Contenders and Keepers of the Faith group that ppitched in. Some of whom I didn't even yet know. You have NO idea how overjoyed we were! THANK YOU!
THANK you also to my amazing mentor mama Rhonda V that brought us food over as well, TWICE! I look forward to being able to bless you back someday! Thank you also to the precious Lynch family that gave us gift cards. Your kindness is so appreciated! Dear Hersey family thank you for inviting us out and paying for us to go to the Basic Life Institute Seminar! You were an answer to pray for guidance, wisdom and direction. We were SO abundantly blessed beyond measure. We learned so much. Thank you also for ALL the ways you've blessed our family, especially with your friendship! Words cant express our gratefulness. Truly Thank you doesn't seem enough. Thank you also to our tiny little home church that blessed our family in such a great way with the unexpected financial gift for our family and the many many prayers for Josiah and odd jobs you've given Huatzin! May the Lord repay your kindness! Thank you also to Lydia Sheer ( sp?) of the families of South Coast Christian Home Educators that I guess partnered with the Mount of Olives Church that blessed us with a financial gift! What an unexpected blessing that came in such a timely close to the wire moment! I can't believe you would think of of family and wish to help us!
This has been such a long season of uncertainty for us, and total dependence on the Lord. Thanks to you many sweet people that have looked around your home and found things for my hubby to work on to put his skills to work. Men love to work and they can feel so defeated if they feel like there aren't doing something productive. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! We feel so cared for and appreciative. We hope to be able to comfort those the way we have been comforted in the future. May His peace, presence and face shine upon you all. Thank you for caring for the least of these! Even more so, thank you to all that prayed with us and for us. In Jesus, Love the Rodriguez family.
The Lord answered our prayers a few months ago in an amazing way. We were checking out alternative ways to heal Josiah and the class I took and all the literature I read mentioned a certain product that would greatly help our son. I wanted to get it before but could never afford it. I asked my Husband and showed him information on how it helps aid in healing and he hesitated as we couldn't afford it. He said pray about it. I did, I felt really strongly that we were being led to get it as it as a natural way to heal Josiah. I went to check the mail, and behold their was a certified letter! ;-) I opened it up and it was a LARGE sum of money from Vineyard La Habra. I thought we were mistaken and was astonished as we looked at the pile of money. It was a true miracle and answer to prayer.
1) the fact that God used a CHURCH body that we didn't even KNOW existed, that somehow heard about us and God laid it on their heart to meet a financial need in our family just blew me away. The other MIRACLE is that it actually got to us! For some reason our mail always gets delivered to our neighbors! CONSTANTLY and vice versa. We are forever running mail back as it's constantly delivered to a wrong address. The fact that that HUGE envelope untouched is just a testament to God's mercy! We were so grateful at that timely gift for our family and our kids were SO AMAZED that they got to SEE God answer a prayer for provision so immediately an obviously. I am not sure who passed our information on but you are in our prayers and we thank you, all of you!
One time that I mentioned was when I was so weary at the hospital and feeling so low. On the way to shower a nurse stopped me and asked me if my son was Josiah and I was Alida. I replied yes. She said " well we have been praying for your family. I go to CCEA! " It was at that same timely moment that I was feeling overwhelmed and completely weary that HE sent someone to remind us that we were loved and not forgotten and that He cares for us. I cry just thinking about how that encouraging word blessed us. Sweet lady, I was to tired too get your name but I thank God for you!
Another blessing was that we finally went to the park for the first time since being hospitalized. I was a bit stressed and exhausted. I came home and people from a group I am in came by and FILLIED my home with FOOD while we were gone! We could hardly store it! I could hardly believe my eyes, it was ALL foods our family eats. and if THAT wasn't blessing enough, they left a check too. sniff sniff. Nurys, food fairy, you are an ANGEL, so are all you sweet sisters from Pizza Nights, and Contenders and Keepers of the Faith group that ppitched in. Some of whom I didn't even yet know. You have NO idea how overjoyed we were! THANK YOU!
THANK you also to my amazing mentor mama Rhonda V that brought us food over as well, TWICE! I look forward to being able to bless you back someday! Thank you also to the precious Lynch family that gave us gift cards. Your kindness is so appreciated! Dear Hersey family thank you for inviting us out and paying for us to go to the Basic Life Institute Seminar! You were an answer to pray for guidance, wisdom and direction. We were SO abundantly blessed beyond measure. We learned so much. Thank you also for ALL the ways you've blessed our family, especially with your friendship! Words cant express our gratefulness. Truly Thank you doesn't seem enough. Thank you also to our tiny little home church that blessed our family in such a great way with the unexpected financial gift for our family and the many many prayers for Josiah and odd jobs you've given Huatzin! May the Lord repay your kindness! Thank you also to Lydia Sheer ( sp?) of the families of South Coast Christian Home Educators that I guess partnered with the Mount of Olives Church that blessed us with a financial gift! What an unexpected blessing that came in such a timely close to the wire moment! I can't believe you would think of of family and wish to help us!
This has been such a long season of uncertainty for us, and total dependence on the Lord. Thanks to you many sweet people that have looked around your home and found things for my hubby to work on to put his skills to work. Men love to work and they can feel so defeated if they feel like there aren't doing something productive. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! We feel so cared for and appreciative. We hope to be able to comfort those the way we have been comforted in the future. May His peace, presence and face shine upon you all. Thank you for caring for the least of these! Even more so, thank you to all that prayed with us and for us. In Jesus, Love the Rodriguez family.
Oct 6, 2009
Praise in the midst of the storm/Counting my blessings
Our family is experiencing quite a severe hardship right now. I won't into all the details. If you happen to think of us, please pray for Josiah's healing and for a job for Huatzin and the Lord's immediate provision. I will say that when times like this happen it is so good to meditate on the Lords goodness. Job said " do we accept only good from the Lord and not evil?" The Lord said in this world we will have tribulation, but that He has overcome the world. Sometimes my spirit feels drained and totally sapped of all strength. I am at a loss. I can't think of my circumstance because I immediately feel a sense of panic and dread. At those times I take my eyes off of my situation and focus on all that the Lord has done. All the ways He has showed His self mighty and strong on our behalf.
I was just thinking of what a blessing it has been that we seemed to be spared this terrible fate with Josiah. Doctors were certain he had cancer and God in His mercy and his goodness removed that yoke from around his body and from our family. He was cleared of it while many we spoke to while we were there were diagnosed with it. Thank you Lord for your mercy.
Thank you Lord for your provision. The thought of trying to pay for banking the cord blood with a husband unable to find work was so overwhelming. I had no idea HOW we could pay for that every month. A sweet friend encouraged us to sign up and to trust God to provide. My sweet friend Erin posted my situation to everyone she knew. I put it on my Baby registry.. In fact, it is the ONLY thing I registered for. I knew that friends would probably want to donate in lieu of a gift for our baby, but I was so unprepared for the WHOLE AMOUNT to be payed off! In only about a months time! Praise God. What's more many of the names on my registry were names of people I didn't even know! People who felt led to pray for OUR family and to help! Can you believe it! Who is God that He should be mindful of ME? Thank you so much, each of you that helped us with the Cord blood banking. I've said it once, but I'll say it again, we literally couldn't have done it without you!
Another way we were SUPER blessed is when Stacy Richards gathered snacks for our family for when we were at or visiting the hospital. People from our Homeschool group pitched in. Its little things like that that made the load a little lighter. Thank you. Sweet Stacy went on to do a raffle for our family. I get tears in my eyes when I think about all the effort she put into it. I was so horrified/embarassed at the thought. But we asked for God's provision and I realized that when you ask of the Lord, you should rejoice at however he chooses to answer, even if it totally humbles you to accept help. I was so blessed with all those that donated items for the raffle. Some I knew some I didn't even know and probably wont meet this side of heaven. Thank you ladies. (My THANK YOU comment was deleted on Stacy's site, so I'll put it here) I thanked Stacy profusely but words didn't seem enough! All of this while she is going threw a pretty severe financial hardship herself! One day we spoke and she told me her dryer died, her ipod was stolen along with her computer, her toilet cracked, her iron died and a bunch of other things. All this while helping out OUR family. Someone even donated the hair bows that they won. They wanted them to go to Anaiah. She wears them EVERYDAY!
STEFFANY thank you for all of your prayers and encouraging words and your help. Thank you Stacy for all you have done to bless our family and for sharing our story with so many! We have been so encouraged by you and all of your sweet friends that have emailed us, prayed for us. The adoption community is a passionate Christ serving caring group of people that are so used to reaching out to others, your love of Christ and His people BRIGHTLY SHINES! Thank you all that donated to our family for the raffle, both the items that were raffled off and the donations! I don't know everyone that donated but we THANK you for thinking of us! It is encouraging to know that the body of Christ is there for us! We can't wait to be able to bless others back when we are able. Just thinking about our answered prayer has blessed me. Peace and JOY in Jesus! Alida w5
I was just thinking of what a blessing it has been that we seemed to be spared this terrible fate with Josiah. Doctors were certain he had cancer and God in His mercy and his goodness removed that yoke from around his body and from our family. He was cleared of it while many we spoke to while we were there were diagnosed with it. Thank you Lord for your mercy.
Thank you Lord for your provision. The thought of trying to pay for banking the cord blood with a husband unable to find work was so overwhelming. I had no idea HOW we could pay for that every month. A sweet friend encouraged us to sign up and to trust God to provide. My sweet friend Erin posted my situation to everyone she knew. I put it on my Baby registry.. In fact, it is the ONLY thing I registered for. I knew that friends would probably want to donate in lieu of a gift for our baby, but I was so unprepared for the WHOLE AMOUNT to be payed off! In only about a months time! Praise God. What's more many of the names on my registry were names of people I didn't even know! People who felt led to pray for OUR family and to help! Can you believe it! Who is God that He should be mindful of ME? Thank you so much, each of you that helped us with the Cord blood banking. I've said it once, but I'll say it again, we literally couldn't have done it without you!
Another way we were SUPER blessed is when Stacy Richards gathered snacks for our family for when we were at or visiting the hospital. People from our Homeschool group pitched in. Its little things like that that made the load a little lighter. Thank you. Sweet Stacy went on to do a raffle for our family. I get tears in my eyes when I think about all the effort she put into it. I was so horrified/embarassed at the thought. But we asked for God's provision and I realized that when you ask of the Lord, you should rejoice at however he chooses to answer, even if it totally humbles you to accept help. I was so blessed with all those that donated items for the raffle. Some I knew some I didn't even know and probably wont meet this side of heaven. Thank you ladies. (My THANK YOU comment was deleted on Stacy's site, so I'll put it here) I thanked Stacy profusely but words didn't seem enough! All of this while she is going threw a pretty severe financial hardship herself! One day we spoke and she told me her dryer died, her ipod was stolen along with her computer, her toilet cracked, her iron died and a bunch of other things. All this while helping out OUR family. Someone even donated the hair bows that they won. They wanted them to go to Anaiah. She wears them EVERYDAY!
STEFFANY thank you for all of your prayers and encouraging words and your help. Thank you Stacy for all you have done to bless our family and for sharing our story with so many! We have been so encouraged by you and all of your sweet friends that have emailed us, prayed for us. The adoption community is a passionate Christ serving caring group of people that are so used to reaching out to others, your love of Christ and His people BRIGHTLY SHINES! Thank you all that donated to our family for the raffle, both the items that were raffled off and the donations! I don't know everyone that donated but we THANK you for thinking of us! It is encouraging to know that the body of Christ is there for us! We can't wait to be able to bless others back when we are able. Just thinking about our answered prayer has blessed me. Peace and JOY in Jesus! Alida w5
Oct 2, 2009
Oct 1, 2009
How Sad/Average length of Sponsorship.
Wow! This is so tragic. I had no idea. The average length of sponsorship in Thailand is 1,024 days; in Ghana (where our girls are from), it's 239 days; and in Brazil, it’s 875 days. You can check out the sponsorship length for the other countries we work in this blog post comment.
How sad. As broke as we have been, we will not let our two little girls down. Our sponsorship could be the only thing keeping them educated, fed, sheltered and clothed. It could be the last thing standing in the way of a life of poverty, disease, prostitution, unemployment and death. We'd rather be without electricity in our house than to leave God's beloved to fend for themselves. If we make sure WE are fed, we can spare a little change for those that are starving. I hope others can make the same commitment.
If the roles were switched and it was our children in need, sick, malnourished or dying we'd want people committed to helping our children. Let us not hear of mothers watching their children starve to death or die of curable easily treated ailments while the body of Christ stands by and does nothing. If we can continue our sponsorship despite VERY severe hardships, than others can too. It is all perspective. Matthew 6:21 "because where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.""Thy treasure-thy heart" I believe anything worth anything comes with great sacrifice. I heard of a little 13 ear old Haitian orphan girl that often had to decide which sibling would eat that day and had to listen to her young siblings cry in anguish from hunger pains ask "Why does God only love Americans.?" The better question is "Why do many Americans love only themselves. ?" The poorest person here at least has access to medical care, food, and education. Your bleakest financial hardship is NO WHERE NEAR the hardship of most of the worlds poor. Even the US poor is privileged here.
James 2:16 "If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
1 John 3:17 "But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?"
Deut. 15:7 "If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother."
1 John 3:17 "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"
How sad. As broke as we have been, we will not let our two little girls down. Our sponsorship could be the only thing keeping them educated, fed, sheltered and clothed. It could be the last thing standing in the way of a life of poverty, disease, prostitution, unemployment and death. We'd rather be without electricity in our house than to leave God's beloved to fend for themselves. If we make sure WE are fed, we can spare a little change for those that are starving. I hope others can make the same commitment.
If the roles were switched and it was our children in need, sick, malnourished or dying we'd want people committed to helping our children. Let us not hear of mothers watching their children starve to death or die of curable easily treated ailments while the body of Christ stands by and does nothing. If we can continue our sponsorship despite VERY severe hardships, than others can too. It is all perspective. Matthew 6:21 "because where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.""Thy treasure-thy heart" I believe anything worth anything comes with great sacrifice. I heard of a little 13 ear old Haitian orphan girl that often had to decide which sibling would eat that day and had to listen to her young siblings cry in anguish from hunger pains ask "Why does God only love Americans.?" The better question is "Why do many Americans love only themselves. ?" The poorest person here at least has access to medical care, food, and education. Your bleakest financial hardship is NO WHERE NEAR the hardship of most of the worlds poor. Even the US poor is privileged here.
James 2:16 "If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
1 John 3:17 "But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?"
Deut. 15:7 "If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother."
1 John 3:17 "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"
Unless someone care's
