Aug 20, 2010

Day 20 of the Master cleanse! Down 24 pounds

I am on my 20th day of the master cleanse. It is hard for me though as I did a 10 day cleanse before this almost back to back. I really feel I should have waited longer between cleanses. It's like I've done 30 days of the cleanse!

I am down 24 pounds though I did not do this at all to lose weight. This is getting hard. I am tempted to quit at the 21 day mark... the taste of the lemonade is getting pretty repulsive. I typically forget to drink it because it's getting to be a pain to make the lemon/syrup concoction. (which in turn makes me feel weak. Also, this may be TMI but because your detoxing, you kinda SMELL funny. I take multiple showers now or take my shower right before I go anywhere. I also try to use a nice smelling lotion. They say you've cleansed well when you get the white coating on your tongue, and later on it turns back to pink. I have not yet had that happen. My asthma is gone. I have not gotten to that really energetic clear thinking stage yet, but I have not been getting enough sleep. Maybe that has something to do with it. I'll take it day by day.. I was originally hoping to make it a 40 day fast but that seems far off. I ran out of my gallon of organic maple syrup. This means I am buying those super expensive tiny jars from Trader Joe's that last only every other day and lemons are getting expensive. This cleanse is really eating into our budget. I will say though, I was going out the door, when I looked down and my skirt fell completely off! It's too loose. Dangit. I really LOVED that skirt. :-) But that seems like an ok problem to have. Ok I sound really whiny right now huh. I'd like to get to that feeling of enlightenment many speak about so maybe I just need to persevere. ;-) UG, pray for me. On the brighter side, My hubby can't stop telling how darn awesome I look. :-) He's a cutie. It is REALLY encouraging because I have started meeting tons of people who have done the cleanse! This is great because I heard lots of negative comments so it's good to hear about many NORMAL people giving great feedback about the benefits and the legitimacy of this cleanse.


Atheism-Pull the Plug

Unless someone care's

Unless someone care's

Compassion Verse

"Lifehouse Anything Skit"

Our Mighty Arrows

Our Mighty Arrows