We have taken the classes we have finished the paperwork... We are handing in our application tomorrow! We are praying for a minority sibling set of 3( I prayed that the Lord would double us back when we only had 4!) I heard him say He would make me the JOYFUL fruitful mother of MANY children. I want 8 kids before I turn 30. Not much time if you ask me! We want to help keep a sibling set together. My heart quickens and is stirred every time I see beautiful black children. My heart does the same when i see little Asian children as well. I have always wanted at least a few noticeably black children. My children are on the lighter side. Though they are beautiful as well. I always wanted to have a little girl with braids, beads and various hair accessories. ;-) Our family could definitely use a bit more melanin up in here. ;-) Along with Asian, Asian Indian, Native American, Arab, and Caucasian children too. We'd just prefer a black or mixed with black sibling set first. However, we are open to other ethnicities as well. Though I don't want to limit the Lord in whatever type of children He has for us, so we are listing our preference but open to His leading.
I remember watching on either dateline or 20/20 when I was a teen, a BEAUTIFUL Christian family of about 20-22 children. They had children of every single color and ethnicity. They were such a close amazing family. I remember thinking that must be what the Kingdom of heaven looks like. I wish I could find the clip or blog of them online. (please pass it along if you find it) By George I'd like to see families on earth as it is in heaven! We are praying for at least 1 girl, 1 baby and 1 toddler and a 3 4, or 5 year old. We'll accept accept drug exposed etc. My heart has been flung open and far for children with blood disorders and other medical conditions from this whole situation with Josiah. At the present time I have a huge heart and burden for special needs and most especially, HIV orphans... Please keep us in prayer! Love ya'll. In Christ. Alida w5
To learn about HIV adoption click here
A very neat family that I respect and love!
Jul 21, 2010
Jul 14, 2010
Sharing at the Children's Home! Things I wish someone would have told me (Part 2)
My handout to the Children's Home teens
Things you should know ( Things I wish someone would have told me)
You will need to purpose not to let your circumstances destroy you! Do not let anyone or anything deter you from reaching your full potential! It is up to YOU to make something of yourself. I purposed not to let my present situation ruin my life or my future. You can too! 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. There will be those who say you can’t meet your goals or call you names but please remember the wise words of Madea. “ it ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer too.” ;-) Learn to flourish wherever you are. Bloom where you are planted.
You are not an accident! Some of you are walking around feeling defeated and feeling like you are an accident, a mistake. This self defeating thinking brings about self destructive behaviors and suicidal thoughts. (by the way, with suicide- I realized one day that if I killed myself, the people who hurt me might feel bad, or they might not, but they would go on with their lives, I wouldn’t! ) Jeremiah 1:5 tell us that “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Before the foundations of the World were created he knew you and knew how long you would live and everything about you. Matthew 10:29 says “the very hairs on your head are numbered!”
God LOVES you! For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-5). "…the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13:45-4 Sweet sister you are that Pearl of great price. He died so that you might live.
He has a plan for you and your life! Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” It doesn’t mean life will be easy but it does mean that if you let him He can use your life for good. That good things can come from evil the most terrible, painful situations that you have. Your pain and hurts are never wasted with God! He may even use your life to help others going through the same things you have. He holds your tears in a bottle. Psalm 39:12. Give Him your hurt and don’t let it destroy you.
God is the perfect parent! When your father and mother let you down, remember that He is always there for you. I remember feeling so abandoned, unwanted and unloved. Until God showed me Psalm 68:5 “A father to the fatherless,a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Psalm 27:10 “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.” Jesus said in John 14:18 "I will not leave you orphans." He is El Shaddai “ the All Sufficient One.” He is capable of meeting all of my needs and yours.
Set goals. Aim high! Then revisit these goals weekly or monthly. A quote I love is “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”Philippians 3:13 “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
You are not your parents- Just because they did drugs, were criminals, did ________(insert whatever is applicable to your situation here) doesn’t mean this is you have to! You have a choice to make. Follow in unhealthy footsteps and generational dysfunction or walk a higher path. I chose the latter! Drug addiction ends here! Violence ends here! My children will have a good heritage!
On Forgiveness- Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian woman who survived a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust, said, "Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you." You will have to forgive those who hurt you to heal. This doesn't mean you pretend nothing happened, but release the anger and hateful feelings and thoughts, forgive them and move on. For some this means forgiving but never being around that person who hurt you because they will try to take advantage of that forgiveness, but releasing yourself from the hate, hurt and burden!
On Choosing wise friends. I kept falling into sin and making foolish choices, then the Lord showed me that I it was because I was hanging around FOOLS! My friends dropped out, partied did illegal and immoral things and it wasn't long until I dabbled into the same things. I learned 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled, for "bad company corrupts good character." Proverbs 13:20 “ He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” The secular version of this would be “birds of a feather flock together.” Chose friends that inspire you and encourage you on to great things, also try to become a friend that “ Hebrews 10:24 speaks about. ” And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Read your bible. The Holy Bible- I couldn’t figure out why I kept falling from the commitment I made to the Lord of repenting from sin and I realized I wasn't reading His word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." It doesn't happen by osmosis. Read and learn wisdom and discernment. I recommend most especially PROVERBS! I would have saved myself lots of heartache and gained much had I read Proverbs as a teen! Some like to read the proverb number that coincides with the same day of the month. So Proverbs 1, for the 1st day of the month read Proverbs 2 for the 2nd day of the month and so on.
It may be bad, it could be worse! It is hard to hear I know. You may feel stuck in this place and maybe you don't feel like other kids/teens. It doesn't seem fair. One thing I learned is that God never mentions ANYTHING about being "FAIR", (you won't find that ANYWHERE in Scripture) He does say however, that He is JUST! I thought I had it rough, then I read about orphans in Liberia, all over Africa, China, Mexico and places like Russia, India and many other countries. It helps me to pray for and support or sponsor these children because it reminds me that most of the world is struggling to survive. Most live on less than $2.00 a day in abject poverty. It doesn't mean that my situation doesn't matter, it just shows me that there are others who are deeply hurting too. Look for ways to bless them.
Being a Christian isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Nor does it make you perfect. Just because you come to Christ doesn't mean life will suddenly get easy and everything you ever wanted is going to happen for you. John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” God uses trials to refine and make you stronger and more like Him. Surrender to it and embrace it.
Take advantage of the resources you available to you! Accept help. Many of you have access to transitional housing, free college, counseling, health insurance and an whole host of opportunities. Realize that MOST of the worlds population do not. Now make the most of it and use it to do great things with your lives. Please don't squander this opportunity. it is HARD trying to make it all on your own! Trust me!
Do not take revenge-This is helpful in many situations in life. Just thought I’d mention Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Apply this verse to any situation you may have. You’ll be blessed and see much fruit.
Learn to set boundaries. There is a book called boundaries and boundaries for kids /teens that is amazing. You will need to learn to set boundaries of what is acceptable to you and what you won’t tolerate then enforce them. You’ll need this skill in all areas of life. Get the book if you can. I’ve had to learn to set boundaries with both family, friends, boyfriends, employers, coworkers, teachers, and now in parenting etc. "The purpose of having boundaries is to protect and take care of ourselves. We need to be able to tell other people when they are acting in ways that are not acceptable to us. A first step is starting to know that we have a right to protect and defend ourselves. That we have not only the right, but the duty to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us."
Family is what you make it- Your birth family might not be the greatest. That doesn't mean you have to subject yourself to people who belittle you, criticize you, squash your dreams, hurt you, discourage you, or want to see you fail. Chose people to be like family to you. I prayed for a godly mentor and got 7! We celebrate holidays and special occasions with people who love us unconditionally and want what's best for us. Recognize that you can chose family that meets your needs and that loves you for who you are! (newly added) This doesn't mean you have to totally discard your biological family either. Often times my biological family is just not capable of interacting in a healthy loving and kind way. Try not to take it personally. ( difficult I know) When this happens I lovingly enforce the boundaries I have set, and take a break from them until our relationship can be healthy and my personal space and peace of mind aren't being violated. I have my extended support systems/family type relationships that I can turn to so I am not waiting around for change or a relationship that may never happen. This frees your heart to still bless and be blessed by loving others and frees your bio family from being able to blame you for their short comings. It also models what healthy give and take relationships are all about.
Do the NEXT (right) Thing- (By Elizabeth Elliott whose husband Jim Elliott was martyred in the Amazon, based on the movie End of the Spear ) We all make mistakes, it’s part of learning and growing. When you make a mistake, learn from it, repent and move on. Don't let it drag you further into sin or cause you to give up! Stop and do the NEXT right thing!
I want to leave you with this wonderful verse
Isaiah 43: 1"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze, For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I want you girls to begin thinking about what changes you can make that will bless or better you and your future! I leave you with these words. One Life to live, twill soon be past, “Only what’s done for Christ will last. “
Poem by C.T Studd Only One Life
“Two little lines I heard one day,Traveling along life's busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one, Soon will its fleeting hours be done; Then, in 'that day' my Lord to meet, And stand before His Judgement seat; Only one life,'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, the still small voice, Gently pleads for a better choice. Bidding me selfish aims to leave, And to God's holy will to cleave; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, a few brief years, Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears; Each with its clays I must fulfill, living for self or in His will; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
When this bright world would tempt me sore, When Satan would a victory score; When self would seek to have its way, Then help me Lord with joy to say; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Give me Father, a purpose deep, In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep; Faithful and true what e'er the strife, Pleasing Thee in my daily life; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Oh let my love with fervor burn, And from the world now let me turn; Living for Thee, and Thee alone, Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne; Only one life, "twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one, Now let me say,"Thy will be done"; And when at last I'll hear the call, I know I'll say "twas worth it all"; Only one life,'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.”
Things you should know ( Things I wish someone would have told me)
You will need to purpose not to let your circumstances destroy you! Do not let anyone or anything deter you from reaching your full potential! It is up to YOU to make something of yourself. I purposed not to let my present situation ruin my life or my future. You can too! 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. There will be those who say you can’t meet your goals or call you names but please remember the wise words of Madea. “ it ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer too.” ;-) Learn to flourish wherever you are. Bloom where you are planted.
You are not an accident! Some of you are walking around feeling defeated and feeling like you are an accident, a mistake. This self defeating thinking brings about self destructive behaviors and suicidal thoughts. (by the way, with suicide- I realized one day that if I killed myself, the people who hurt me might feel bad, or they might not, but they would go on with their lives, I wouldn’t! ) Jeremiah 1:5 tell us that “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Before the foundations of the World were created he knew you and knew how long you would live and everything about you. Matthew 10:29 says “the very hairs on your head are numbered!”
God LOVES you! For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-5). "…the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13:45-4 Sweet sister you are that Pearl of great price. He died so that you might live.
He has a plan for you and your life! Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” It doesn’t mean life will be easy but it does mean that if you let him He can use your life for good. That good things can come from evil the most terrible, painful situations that you have. Your pain and hurts are never wasted with God! He may even use your life to help others going through the same things you have. He holds your tears in a bottle. Psalm 39:12. Give Him your hurt and don’t let it destroy you.
God is the perfect parent! When your father and mother let you down, remember that He is always there for you. I remember feeling so abandoned, unwanted and unloved. Until God showed me Psalm 68:5 “A father to the fatherless,a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” Psalm 27:10 “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.” Jesus said in John 14:18 "I will not leave you orphans." He is El Shaddai “ the All Sufficient One.” He is capable of meeting all of my needs and yours.
Set goals. Aim high! Then revisit these goals weekly or monthly. A quote I love is “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”Philippians 3:13 “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
You are not your parents- Just because they did drugs, were criminals, did ________(insert whatever is applicable to your situation here) doesn’t mean this is you have to! You have a choice to make. Follow in unhealthy footsteps and generational dysfunction or walk a higher path. I chose the latter! Drug addiction ends here! Violence ends here! My children will have a good heritage!
On Forgiveness- Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian woman who survived a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust, said, "Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you." You will have to forgive those who hurt you to heal. This doesn't mean you pretend nothing happened, but release the anger and hateful feelings and thoughts, forgive them and move on. For some this means forgiving but never being around that person who hurt you because they will try to take advantage of that forgiveness, but releasing yourself from the hate, hurt and burden!
On Choosing wise friends. I kept falling into sin and making foolish choices, then the Lord showed me that I it was because I was hanging around FOOLS! My friends dropped out, partied did illegal and immoral things and it wasn't long until I dabbled into the same things. I learned 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled, for "bad company corrupts good character." Proverbs 13:20 “ He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” The secular version of this would be “birds of a feather flock together.” Chose friends that inspire you and encourage you on to great things, also try to become a friend that “ Hebrews 10:24 speaks about. ” And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Read your bible. The Holy Bible- I couldn’t figure out why I kept falling from the commitment I made to the Lord of repenting from sin and I realized I wasn't reading His word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." It doesn't happen by osmosis. Read and learn wisdom and discernment. I recommend most especially PROVERBS! I would have saved myself lots of heartache and gained much had I read Proverbs as a teen! Some like to read the proverb number that coincides with the same day of the month. So Proverbs 1, for the 1st day of the month read Proverbs 2 for the 2nd day of the month and so on.
It may be bad, it could be worse! It is hard to hear I know. You may feel stuck in this place and maybe you don't feel like other kids/teens. It doesn't seem fair. One thing I learned is that God never mentions ANYTHING about being "FAIR", (you won't find that ANYWHERE in Scripture) He does say however, that He is JUST! I thought I had it rough, then I read about orphans in Liberia, all over Africa, China, Mexico and places like Russia, India and many other countries. It helps me to pray for and support or sponsor these children because it reminds me that most of the world is struggling to survive. Most live on less than $2.00 a day in abject poverty. It doesn't mean that my situation doesn't matter, it just shows me that there are others who are deeply hurting too. Look for ways to bless them.
Being a Christian isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Nor does it make you perfect. Just because you come to Christ doesn't mean life will suddenly get easy and everything you ever wanted is going to happen for you. John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” God uses trials to refine and make you stronger and more like Him. Surrender to it and embrace it.
Take advantage of the resources you available to you! Accept help. Many of you have access to transitional housing, free college, counseling, health insurance and an whole host of opportunities. Realize that MOST of the worlds population do not. Now make the most of it and use it to do great things with your lives. Please don't squander this opportunity. it is HARD trying to make it all on your own! Trust me!
Do not take revenge-This is helpful in many situations in life. Just thought I’d mention Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Apply this verse to any situation you may have. You’ll be blessed and see much fruit.
Learn to set boundaries. There is a book called boundaries and boundaries for kids /teens that is amazing. You will need to learn to set boundaries of what is acceptable to you and what you won’t tolerate then enforce them. You’ll need this skill in all areas of life. Get the book if you can. I’ve had to learn to set boundaries with both family, friends, boyfriends, employers, coworkers, teachers, and now in parenting etc. "The purpose of having boundaries is to protect and take care of ourselves. We need to be able to tell other people when they are acting in ways that are not acceptable to us. A first step is starting to know that we have a right to protect and defend ourselves. That we have not only the right, but the duty to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us."
Family is what you make it- Your birth family might not be the greatest. That doesn't mean you have to subject yourself to people who belittle you, criticize you, squash your dreams, hurt you, discourage you, or want to see you fail. Chose people to be like family to you. I prayed for a godly mentor and got 7! We celebrate holidays and special occasions with people who love us unconditionally and want what's best for us. Recognize that you can chose family that meets your needs and that loves you for who you are! (newly added) This doesn't mean you have to totally discard your biological family either. Often times my biological family is just not capable of interacting in a healthy loving and kind way. Try not to take it personally. ( difficult I know) When this happens I lovingly enforce the boundaries I have set, and take a break from them until our relationship can be healthy and my personal space and peace of mind aren't being violated. I have my extended support systems/family type relationships that I can turn to so I am not waiting around for change or a relationship that may never happen. This frees your heart to still bless and be blessed by loving others and frees your bio family from being able to blame you for their short comings. It also models what healthy give and take relationships are all about.
Do the NEXT (right) Thing- (By Elizabeth Elliott whose husband Jim Elliott was martyred in the Amazon, based on the movie End of the Spear ) We all make mistakes, it’s part of learning and growing. When you make a mistake, learn from it, repent and move on. Don't let it drag you further into sin or cause you to give up! Stop and do the NEXT right thing!
I want to leave you with this wonderful verse
Isaiah 43: 1"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze, For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I want you girls to begin thinking about what changes you can make that will bless or better you and your future! I leave you with these words. One Life to live, twill soon be past, “Only what’s done for Christ will last. “
Poem by C.T Studd Only One Life
“Two little lines I heard one day,Traveling along life's busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one, Soon will its fleeting hours be done; Then, in 'that day' my Lord to meet, And stand before His Judgement seat; Only one life,'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, the still small voice, Gently pleads for a better choice. Bidding me selfish aims to leave, And to God's holy will to cleave; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, a few brief years, Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears; Each with its clays I must fulfill, living for self or in His will; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
When this bright world would tempt me sore, When Satan would a victory score; When self would seek to have its way, Then help me Lord with joy to say; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Give me Father, a purpose deep, In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep; Faithful and true what e'er the strife, Pleasing Thee in my daily life; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Oh let my love with fervor burn, And from the world now let me turn; Living for Thee, and Thee alone, Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne; Only one life, "twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one, Now let me say,"Thy will be done"; And when at last I'll hear the call, I know I'll say "twas worth it all"; Only one life,'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.”
Foster care,
foster children,
visiting orphans
Jul 13, 2010
Sharing at the Children's Home! Things I wish someone would have told me
I was asked to speak again to the teen girls over at the Children's home. When I came to Christ years ago, I asked the Lord to use the suffering in my life for good and to help others. I didn't want my pain to have been without purpose. Even though it's only about 10-20 girls at a time, it is the Lord answering the deepest desires of my heart. I am always SO blessed and excited when I get to share what the Lord has done for me. I It sounds silly but to me it feels as though I am walking on holy ground! I know that what He has done in my life He can do for others. It is my prayer that seeds are planted, hope is restored and that lives can be redeemed and souls are brought into the kingdom in the lives of the foster youth here in the US.
I shared a bit about my upbringing. I told them how I used to be in foster care. My father was in and out of prison and on drugs. I lived with my grandparents and how my grandfather was violent and my grandmother and I fled to a domestic violence shelter. I spoke of the abuse from my father, neglect from my mother.. I mentioned things like the shoot out at a gas station when I was about 4, followed by a high speed chase on the freeway by the police and my mother being arrested on Christmas day, and how the police gave me a doll because they realized I didn't receive anything that morning.
I spoke about my stay at CASA and CSP youth shelters, and how it changed my life even though my mom was on drugs. I spoke about finding needles in our home and being kicked out when I was 17. I shared all the things I've learned along the way and what I wish people would have told me. Included in Part 2 next post) I gave them the print out of what God taught me along the way and we took turns reading it together as a group. Most of it was straight scripture!!! Some of the teens were blessed and some it was hard to tell. Unlike the other other time I spoke and the response was huge. I included The Fathers love letter. I ALWAYS bring along either this letter or the kids comic book letter. It's words have transformed my life!
One of the girls was so excited that we both lived in the same shelter. I was surprised to hear that some of the workers and counselors there would try to crush the hopes of the girls wanting to have faith in Christ with snide remarks and sarcastic comments. Some of the very people that should be helping them are some of the biggest faith killers and dream destroyers. One made a comment that "they only visit so they can get credit." Ok well, I'm not in school and I am a homeschooling SAHM of 5. I don't think any of the ladies were there to get credit! I can't figure out fir the life of me, why ANYONE like that would get a job working with children! Especially broken hurting children! It reminds me of Matthew 18:6 "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Anyway, I think our group did good. All we can do is offer our meager efforts to the Lord like the boy with the loves and two fishes and leave the cultivating and multiplying of the fruit up to Him. I am confident that if we show up, He'll do the rest. Watch this and let it settle into your spirit. Let it transform your mind and spirit in Christ. Be blessed as you set your mind on things above and know who your daddy is and who you belong to! Love, Alida w5
I shared a bit about my upbringing. I told them how I used to be in foster care. My father was in and out of prison and on drugs. I lived with my grandparents and how my grandfather was violent and my grandmother and I fled to a domestic violence shelter. I spoke of the abuse from my father, neglect from my mother.. I mentioned things like the shoot out at a gas station when I was about 4, followed by a high speed chase on the freeway by the police and my mother being arrested on Christmas day, and how the police gave me a doll because they realized I didn't receive anything that morning.
I spoke about my stay at CASA and CSP youth shelters, and how it changed my life even though my mom was on drugs. I spoke about finding needles in our home and being kicked out when I was 17. I shared all the things I've learned along the way and what I wish people would have told me. Included in Part 2 next post) I gave them the print out of what God taught me along the way and we took turns reading it together as a group. Most of it was straight scripture!!! Some of the teens were blessed and some it was hard to tell. Unlike the other other time I spoke and the response was huge. I included The Fathers love letter. I ALWAYS bring along either this letter or the kids comic book letter. It's words have transformed my life!
One of the girls was so excited that we both lived in the same shelter. I was surprised to hear that some of the workers and counselors there would try to crush the hopes of the girls wanting to have faith in Christ with snide remarks and sarcastic comments. Some of the very people that should be helping them are some of the biggest faith killers and dream destroyers. One made a comment that "they only visit so they can get credit." Ok well, I'm not in school and I am a homeschooling SAHM of 5. I don't think any of the ladies were there to get credit! I can't figure out fir the life of me, why ANYONE like that would get a job working with children! Especially broken hurting children! It reminds me of Matthew 18:6 "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Anyway, I think our group did good. All we can do is offer our meager efforts to the Lord like the boy with the loves and two fishes and leave the cultivating and multiplying of the fruit up to Him. I am confident that if we show up, He'll do the rest. Watch this and let it settle into your spirit. Let it transform your mind and spirit in Christ. Be blessed as you set your mind on things above and know who your daddy is and who you belong to! Love, Alida w5
Jul 9, 2010
Results from the Bone Marrow Donor Testing/Josiah Updates
Update on Josiah!
Ladies, Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I try not to dwell on his diagnoses much but I realize that keeps a great many of you praying saints out of the Loop. Forgive me. I wanted to share. Josiah is doing GREAT! He hasn't needed a transfusion since February! His platelet numbers just keep climbing and climbing. He is not near normal but he isn't transfusion dependent or hospital bound so that works for me! I believe he is HEALED! I believe the turning point for us is we had the AMAZING team from Bethel lay hands on him. We also prayed for healing at an Arthur Blessit event. ( we got to touch the cross that has been ALL OVER the WORLD! I just needed to be around people that had hope the Lord would heal him. I need encouragement that He could and would heal Him. I really feel that the Lord has given me the prophetic word that he would be healed by the simple fact that Josiah means -whom God has healed.
As you recall our WHOLE Family went in to get tested to see if any of us were a match for Josiah. ALL SEVEN of us. I was saddened to learn that not one single person is a match for Josiah. Can you BELIEVE it? I couldn't believe it! I actually asked her if she had the wrong paperwork, because I couldn't see HOW it was possible that none of us were a match AT ALL! Each child has a 25% chance of being a match. The only match within our whole family is Canaan with Hezekiah. They are complete matched with each other, but Josiah does not have a single solitary match among any of the members of our family. I am told that unrelated donor matches are RISKY. I was pretty down about it. I felt as though the wind were knocked out of me and was paralyzed by the result. Until I realized that God had removed my plan B. As in my prayers went from "God PLEASE heal my sweet darling son, and if you chose not to, we'll do the Bone marrow Transplant." To the same fervent prayer of desperation that most of the world does that doesn't have the medical care that we do. The "whom do I have in heaven but you," only YOU can make my son well. By the power of your precious blood Jesus please make my son well and cause his bone marrow to function properly and remove whatever is in his system that is causing his bone marrow to be destroyed. Lord restore his body to perfect health."
I am such a planner and a striver. The Lord removed that weight off my shoulders that thinks I can somehow scheme and fix it. I then rebuked the results the doctor gave us. The enemy wanted me to get focused on the fact that he doesn't have a donor when my son is already healed! So we just praise the Lord and thank him daily for doing such great changes in our son and refuse to let anyone or any circumstance rob us of our joy in Jesus. I am overcome with joy thinking about how free we have been though this whole ordeal. My son has only been hospitalized TWICE! This is UNHEARD of in the Aplastic Anemia community. If you read the posts of those on my blog with this disease they are constantly quarantined, hospitalized, sickly. I just read of a sweet boy with AA that passed away. My son is happy, healthy, full of energy and blessed. I do not know how the Lord will use this experience for His glory, but I know he has ordered my steps! I know that there is a purpose for ALL of it and my job is not to understand or figure it out, but simply to TRUST! The Lord is so good! Huatzin has been working for about 1 month now. We are trying to budget again ( which was impossible to do when he wasn't earning ANYTHING!) Now to get back into the Dave Ramsey style gazelle bill paying/saving emergency fund. On to trying to save up for a house AGAIN, and a 15 passenger van or turtletop bus, along with paying off our MOUNTAIN of medical bills. He is able to do abundantly above all that we can asked or think! Thank you for the love, support and encouragement and prayers! YOU and all the saints are what has kept my sweet son out of the hospital! (along with extended nursing) Bless you, In Christ, Alida w5
Ladies, Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I try not to dwell on his diagnoses much but I realize that keeps a great many of you praying saints out of the Loop. Forgive me. I wanted to share. Josiah is doing GREAT! He hasn't needed a transfusion since February! His platelet numbers just keep climbing and climbing. He is not near normal but he isn't transfusion dependent or hospital bound so that works for me! I believe he is HEALED! I believe the turning point for us is we had the AMAZING team from Bethel lay hands on him. We also prayed for healing at an Arthur Blessit event. ( we got to touch the cross that has been ALL OVER the WORLD! I just needed to be around people that had hope the Lord would heal him. I need encouragement that He could and would heal Him. I really feel that the Lord has given me the prophetic word that he would be healed by the simple fact that Josiah means -whom God has healed.
As you recall our WHOLE Family went in to get tested to see if any of us were a match for Josiah. ALL SEVEN of us. I was saddened to learn that not one single person is a match for Josiah. Can you BELIEVE it? I couldn't believe it! I actually asked her if she had the wrong paperwork, because I couldn't see HOW it was possible that none of us were a match AT ALL! Each child has a 25% chance of being a match. The only match within our whole family is Canaan with Hezekiah. They are complete matched with each other, but Josiah does not have a single solitary match among any of the members of our family. I am told that unrelated donor matches are RISKY. I was pretty down about it. I felt as though the wind were knocked out of me and was paralyzed by the result. Until I realized that God had removed my plan B. As in my prayers went from "God PLEASE heal my sweet darling son, and if you chose not to, we'll do the Bone marrow Transplant." To the same fervent prayer of desperation that most of the world does that doesn't have the medical care that we do. The "whom do I have in heaven but you," only YOU can make my son well. By the power of your precious blood Jesus please make my son well and cause his bone marrow to function properly and remove whatever is in his system that is causing his bone marrow to be destroyed. Lord restore his body to perfect health."
I am such a planner and a striver. The Lord removed that weight off my shoulders that thinks I can somehow scheme and fix it. I then rebuked the results the doctor gave us. The enemy wanted me to get focused on the fact that he doesn't have a donor when my son is already healed! So we just praise the Lord and thank him daily for doing such great changes in our son and refuse to let anyone or any circumstance rob us of our joy in Jesus. I am overcome with joy thinking about how free we have been though this whole ordeal. My son has only been hospitalized TWICE! This is UNHEARD of in the Aplastic Anemia community. If you read the posts of those on my blog with this disease they are constantly quarantined, hospitalized, sickly. I just read of a sweet boy with AA that passed away. My son is happy, healthy, full of energy and blessed. I do not know how the Lord will use this experience for His glory, but I know he has ordered my steps! I know that there is a purpose for ALL of it and my job is not to understand or figure it out, but simply to TRUST! The Lord is so good! Huatzin has been working for about 1 month now. We are trying to budget again ( which was impossible to do when he wasn't earning ANYTHING!) Now to get back into the Dave Ramsey style gazelle bill paying/saving emergency fund. On to trying to save up for a house AGAIN, and a 15 passenger van or turtletop bus, along with paying off our MOUNTAIN of medical bills. He is able to do abundantly above all that we can asked or think! Thank you for the love, support and encouragement and prayers! YOU and all the saints are what has kept my sweet son out of the hospital! (along with extended nursing) Bless you, In Christ, Alida w5
Jul 5, 2010
Jul 3, 2010
Doing the Master Cleanse/10 day fast
I am TAKING back my health and taking charge of my body. Over the last few years I have had what I believe is a very big struggle with my thyroid. I have gained quite a bit of weight over the years. Quite a bit in my stomach area, which is odd as I have ALWAYS had a great slim waist. ( anyone remember my Janet Abs?? Now I'd be hard pressed to even FIND my abs. ;-) I eat much healthier than I ever did before ( green smoothies, raw dishes, salads etc) ( I don't know ANYONE other than strict raw foodists that eat Kale, yes RAW KALE as I do! I am often very sick, tired , irritable and in a mental fog and always craving unhealthy things. I don't think this is a "oh you just have 5 kids issue." I think it is a spiritual and physical. I have also used food as a coping tool when stressed or instead of running to Christ Jesus. I have had many online buddies that were totally blessed and transformed by doing the master cleanse. It tends to free you of the urge to self cope with food, releases you from addicted cravings, clears your body of built up toxins and waste and gives a overall renewed sense of purpose, peaceful feeling and clear headed mind. Perhaps this is why the Bible and many cultures speak so much on fasting. After this fast I hope this will lead to a mostly vegan/vegetarian diet, at least 75-80% or more. (Hallelujah Acres www.hacres.com ) ( Green Smoothie GirRaw Family I do this for the sake of my children. They deserve a mother than is healthy, energetic, clearheaded and joyful. I want THEM to be able to eat the way God intended us to. I want my HUSBAND to have his youthful gloriously energetic well figured, joyful adventurous healthy wife that he married back. The Lord has led me to this because I feel that unless I make drastic changes now, very serious consequences could occur. I have prayed over many mothers this year that have passed on to glory or are battling cancers and all sorts of disease. I believe that unless my family deviates totally from the (SAD diet) Standard American Diet, one or some in our family may be among those. I can do ALL things through Christ who Strengthens me." I am also nursing two children. From what I have read I believe they will be fine.
Here is my journal of how things have gone so far.
Phili 2:3for it is God who worketh in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure. 14Do all things without murmurings and questionings: 15that ye may become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom ye are seen as lights in the world.
Day 1)
This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't have the Grade B maple syrup so I had to use black strap molasses and it was GROSS! To me anyway... I was nauseous for a bit in the evening but fine soon after. I could stomach it though as I knew it would help my journey. I think I had 10-12 servings of the lemon/maple syrup/cayenne pepper drink. Went and got 3 books from Sprouts on "The Master Cleanse" to cheer me on from many who have detoxed from this. I thought I'd be STARVING and crabby by honestly the lemonade concoction seems to fill me. I wasn't crabby which is weird for me when I don't eat. I even watch two different families kids along with my own including ALL the neighborhood kids. I had energy to make play dough for each of them to take home. It is HARD to make food for the kids without eating. Huatzin baked and even ate cookies right in front of me. I refused to give in. Alida Rodriguez.. STEADFAST and IMMOvable! YAY! Day 1 down
Day 2)
I have felt a little cranky. I have been using this as a time to pray and seek the Lord. I pray this makes me closer to him and helps to create in more of Jesus and the fruits if the spirit. I do feel very tired, kinda irritable, slow , sluggish. I am craving cooked foods. They say to tell if you are hungry, ask yourself, do yo crave meet, dairy, cooked foods or do you crave an apple, salad or fruit, If yo crave cooked foods it is a craving, if you crave green healthy good foods it is hunger. Also whatever you are craving is probably what is detoxing out of your system. I am craving cooked foods. The thought of a veggie sounds gross, so does fruit. I feel a bit foggy. All detox symptoms.
Day 3)
I am still slow moving today.. I have heard that usually day 3 is one of the hardest then it gets better. I don't desire food but man I miss chewing something. I am getting really irritated having to juice lemons all the live long day. I bought a little hand held lemon juicer that is making it so much easier. Cooking for the family is hard but I do it as unto the Lord and am blessed. I am pleased with my progress. My friend said i look like a ghost faced vampire. I take I'm looking pale! :-) I feel fine, can't wait for the energy that comes form doing the MC kicks in.. Still able to do what I need to though. I am concerned because I haven't had the major detoxing symptoms many others have had. The more you have the faster you are detoxing. I will consider extending this fast beyond 10 days if need be. The thought of going 20 or 40 days intrigues me...
Day 4)
Not much going on. I breaking out a bit on my face which rarely ever happens. ( sign of detox) I am a bit listless but fine. My milk supply is fine, I am staying super hydrated. ( and I am nursing a 1 year old and a 3 year old quite a bit) They seem fine and they don't have any side effects. The first day they were going to the potty quite a but but that was just day 1. I am getting stuffy. ( runny nose) another sign of detox. Honestly though this is the first day in a long while I haven't needed to take my inhaler! Neat. I have lost about 5 lbs but I am not doing it for that reason. I researching more raw food support and a raw vegan diet more in detail. I am super excited. Today I was hungry. I was craving apples, watermelon, apple pears, anything. I made food for the kids and licked the food to see if I seasoned it well, but can honestly say I haven't nibbled on a single solitary thing. AS unto the Lord. ;-) I realized this fast will go all the way through July 4th BBQ's, and even my little girls birthday. Possibly even my sons if I extend it enough. My hubby teased me but I am actually relieved. No falling off the wagon from raw if I cant eat. :-) Would love to see more elimination of the stored waste from years of SAD. I bet there is waste blocking the nutrients form absorbing in my body. to it I say OUT! Your body will create new fat cells to keep toxins from out of your blood stream. This would make sense as to why I have had tons of weight gain even though I try to eat well.
Day 5)
I am so excited. Hunger pains for the most part are gone. Half way there to the 10 day. My lungs feel so clear. My nose is still stuffy. I want the clear mind to come as I am a bit foggy, can't focus right. I miss my green smoothies. The craving for food is less strong. Not really eliminating tons of waste. I actually don't mind the drink with maple syrup. I like the spiciness of the cayenne. I admit I have not been focusing on the Lord the last day or so. That needs to change. I am not as temperamental. It is nice. This must be why the Lord says to fast. It makes yo more peaceful. The normal things my children do that bother me aren't as irritating. Processed foods make me so moody. This is great. Still waiting for some radical changes in how I feel health wise.. I am considering very heavily the 20 day fast. I think it may be necessary. I need to invest in quite a few more lemons and a ton more organic maple syrup. My family doesn't really know it right now, but they are about to become a mostly vegan fam. I am now about to go out to a BBQ both today AND tomorrow with my little gallon of juice. We'll see how I hold up! SoLi Deo. To God be the glory.
I am TAKING back my health and taking charge of my body. Over the last few years I have had what I believe is a very big struggle with my thyroid. I have gained quite a bit of weight over the years. Quite a bit in my stomach area, which is odd as I have ALWAYS had a great slim waist. ( anyone remember my Janet Abs?? Now I'd be hard pressed to even FIND my abs. ;-) I eat much healthier than I ever did before ( green smoothies, raw dishes, salads etc) ( I don't know ANYONE other than strict raw foodists that eat Kale, yes RAW KALE as I do! I am often very sick, tired , irritable and in a mental fog and always craving unhealthy things. I don't think this is a "oh you just have 5 kids issue." I think it is a spiritual and physical. I have also used food as a coping tool when stressed or instead of running to Christ Jesus. I have had many online buddies that were totally blessed and transformed by doing the master cleanse. It tends to free you of the urge to self cope with food, releases you from addicted cravings, clears your body of built up toxins and waste and gives a overall renewed sense of purpose, peaceful feeling and clear headed mind. Perhaps this is why the Bible and many cultures speak so much on fasting. After this fast I hope this will lead to a mostly vegan/vegetarian diet, at least 75-80% or more. (Hallelujah Acres www.hacres.com ) ( Green Smoothie Gir
Here is my journal of how things have gone so far.
Phili 2:3for it is God who worketh in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure. 14Do all things without murmurings and questionings: 15that ye may become blameless and harmless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom ye are seen as lights in the world.
Day 1)
This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't have the Grade B maple syrup so I had to use black strap molasses and it was GROSS! To me anyway... I was nauseous for a bit in the evening but fine soon after. I could stomach it though as I knew it would help my journey. I think I had 10-12 servings of the lemon/maple syrup/cayenne pepper drink. Went and got 3 books from Sprouts on "The Master Cleanse" to cheer me on from many who have detoxed from this. I thought I'd be STARVING and crabby by honestly the lemonade concoction seems to fill me. I wasn't crabby which is weird for me when I don't eat. I even watch two different families kids along with my own including ALL the neighborhood kids. I had energy to make play dough for each of them to take home. It is HARD to make food for the kids without eating. Huatzin baked and even ate cookies right in front of me. I refused to give in. Alida Rodriguez.. STEADFAST and IMMOvable! YAY! Day 1 down
Day 2)
I have felt a little cranky. I have been using this as a time to pray and seek the Lord. I pray this makes me closer to him and helps to create in more of Jesus and the fruits if the spirit. I do feel very tired, kinda irritable, slow , sluggish. I am craving cooked foods. They say to tell if you are hungry, ask yourself, do yo crave meet, dairy, cooked foods or do you crave an apple, salad or fruit, If yo crave cooked foods it is a craving, if you crave green healthy good foods it is hunger. Also whatever you are craving is probably what is detoxing out of your system. I am craving cooked foods. The thought of a veggie sounds gross, so does fruit. I feel a bit foggy. All detox symptoms.
Day 3)
I am still slow moving today.. I have heard that usually day 3 is one of the hardest then it gets better. I don't desire food but man I miss chewing something. I am getting really irritated having to juice lemons all the live long day. I bought a little hand held lemon juicer that is making it so much easier. Cooking for the family is hard but I do it as unto the Lord and am blessed. I am pleased with my progress. My friend said i look like a ghost faced vampire. I take I'm looking pale! :-) I feel fine, can't wait for the energy that comes form doing the MC kicks in.. Still able to do what I need to though. I am concerned because I haven't had the major detoxing symptoms many others have had. The more you have the faster you are detoxing. I will consider extending this fast beyond 10 days if need be. The thought of going 20 or 40 days intrigues me...
Day 4)
Not much going on. I breaking out a bit on my face which rarely ever happens. ( sign of detox) I am a bit listless but fine. My milk supply is fine, I am staying super hydrated. ( and I am nursing a 1 year old and a 3 year old quite a bit) They seem fine and they don't have any side effects. The first day they were going to the potty quite a but but that was just day 1. I am getting stuffy. ( runny nose) another sign of detox. Honestly though this is the first day in a long while I haven't needed to take my inhaler! Neat. I have lost about 5 lbs but I am not doing it for that reason. I researching more raw food support and a raw vegan diet more in detail. I am super excited. Today I was hungry. I was craving apples, watermelon, apple pears, anything. I made food for the kids and licked the food to see if I seasoned it well, but can honestly say I haven't nibbled on a single solitary thing. AS unto the Lord. ;-) I realized this fast will go all the way through July 4th BBQ's, and even my little girls birthday. Possibly even my sons if I extend it enough. My hubby teased me but I am actually relieved. No falling off the wagon from raw if I cant eat. :-) Would love to see more elimination of the stored waste from years of SAD. I bet there is waste blocking the nutrients form absorbing in my body. to it I say OUT! Your body will create new fat cells to keep toxins from out of your blood stream. This would make sense as to why I have had tons of weight gain even though I try to eat well.
Day 5)
I am so excited. Hunger pains for the most part are gone. Half way there to the 10 day. My lungs feel so clear. My nose is still stuffy. I want the clear mind to come as I am a bit foggy, can't focus right. I miss my green smoothies. The craving for food is less strong. Not really eliminating tons of waste. I actually don't mind the drink with maple syrup. I like the spiciness of the cayenne. I admit I have not been focusing on the Lord the last day or so. That needs to change. I am not as temperamental. It is nice. This must be why the Lord says to fast. It makes yo more peaceful. The normal things my children do that bother me aren't as irritating. Processed foods make me so moody. This is great. Still waiting for some radical changes in how I feel health wise.. I am considering very heavily the 20 day fast. I think it may be necessary. I need to invest in quite a few more lemons and a ton more organic maple syrup. My family doesn't really know it right now, but they are about to become a mostly vegan fam. I am now about to go out to a BBQ both today AND tomorrow with my little gallon of juice. We'll see how I hold up! SoLi Deo. To God be the glory.
master cleanse,
raw food,
** HELP! Items Needed for raffle! Adoption fundraiser & vehicle for single mom**
Hi Folks,
Alida here. I am friend of two 2 very terrific families in need. One is my friend Stacy Richards. They are adopting their 5th beautiful babe from China and have only 2 short months to raise up around $10,000 needed to bring him home to his forever family. http://mycupoverfloweth.blogspot.com/ The Second is a friend Laseanda. W. that is a single hardworking mom/ veteran that loves serving others. She desperately needs a vehicle for her and her son.
We are trying to do a fundraiser to raise money to meet the needs of both families. We are looking for things like gift cards, gift certificates, CD's, DVD's, New or near new books and/or other items people would really want.. things that could be sold on Ebay, they even did an Ipad raffle before. Homeschooling items, anything of value is welcomed. Get any gifts that aren't your style? Donate them for good! Do you have a business or home business? Know of a company or people who would want to help? Do you make things like clothes, accessories, diapers, slings, aprons skirts etc?? Things like an item or gift card/certificate from WHATEVER type of business you have would be greatly appreciated. We'd also welcome any donation from HOME businesses Like Etsy, Ebay businesses, Pampered chef, tupperware, melaluca, shaklee, cookie lee, discovery toys, etc. Now you can bless a family with an item or certificate and promote your business at the same time! If nothing else, check out their family blog and donate if you feel led and pass it on to others. Stay Tuned for at MY blog for what is available!!! Please keep them in prayer in the upcoming months! If you'd like to get the kids involved you could do a bake sale, lemonade stand, recycle cans, collect change in baby bottles car wash etc and donate the proceeds! It's the summer and kids love helping others!
Items we already have...
* A Carole joy Seid Seminar (of your choice) Gift Certificate!! Wahoo!
* 2 CD's and a Soap Gift basket from Generation Cedar!
* A gift certificate to Mother Wear ( nursing clothing)
* The Hole in our Gospel
* Brand new parallel amplified Bible
* New stylish back pack bag,
* Vision Forum CD
* Gift certificate to Starbucks
* Solomon Beads (see HERE! )
* Managers of Their Homes from Titus2 Ministries
* Hoping to get a Solomon Shirt
And we are JUST GETTING STARTED!!! The more donations we receive the more you can win!
Also, if you have a good working vehiecle you are not using, I can put you in contact with a WONDERFUL mom that is in need. ( Laseanda)If you have a reliable vehicle you want to sell for supercheap, please let me know and I'll see if we can raise enough to get it for her.
Check out the Richards family blog. http://mycupoverfloweth.blogspot.com/ We may not all be able to adopt but we can ALL help an orphan get HOME! Thanks so much! Pass this on to anyone you think would be interested and/or participate! These items will be sent directly to Stacy Richards.
Alida w5
____________ _________ _________ _________ ___
Some items we HOPE to get are...
Anything by the Botkin ladies, Kay Arthur, Sally Clarkson, Stacy MacDonald, The Harris Family, Voddie Baucham, Ray Comfort, Sm Davis, Wayne Israel, Chuck Smith, Stormie Omartian, Nancy DeMoss, Beth Morre, John Piper, Richard Wurmbrand, Usborne Books,
Any and all gift cards.
Barnes and Noble, Borders, Etc.
a pampered chef gift certificate,
something from Vision Forum,
A Lamplighter book,
perhaps the Noah Websters dictionary,
restaurant gift certificates etc...
Itunes gift cards
A free class of anything
Something from Dream Dinners
Gas Cards.
A Certificate to Christian Book.com
A Certificate to Timberdoodle Open to Suggestions
Hi Folks,
Alida here. I am friend of two 2 very terrific families in need. One is my friend Stacy Richards. They are adopting their 5th beautiful babe from China and have only 2 short months to raise up around $10,000 needed to bring him home to his forever family. http://mycupoverfloweth.blogspot.com/ The Second is a friend Laseanda. W. that is a single hardworking mom/ veteran that loves serving others. She desperately needs a vehicle for her and her son.
We are trying to do a fundraiser to raise money to meet the needs of both families. We are looking for things like gift cards, gift certificates, CD's, DVD's, New or near new books and/or other items people would really want.. things that could be sold on Ebay, they even did an Ipad raffle before. Homeschooling items, anything of value is welcomed. Get any gifts that aren't your style? Donate them for good! Do you have a business or home business? Know of a company or people who would want to help? Do you make things like clothes, accessories, diapers, slings, aprons skirts etc?? Things like an item or gift card/certificate from WHATEVER type of business you have would be greatly appreciated. We'd also welcome any donation from HOME businesses Like Etsy, Ebay businesses, Pampered chef, tupperware, melaluca, shaklee, cookie lee, discovery toys, etc. Now you can bless a family with an item or certificate and promote your business at the same time! If nothing else, check out their family blog and donate if you feel led and pass it on to others. Stay Tuned for at MY blog for what is available!!! Please keep them in prayer in the upcoming months! If you'd like to get the kids involved you could do a bake sale, lemonade stand, recycle cans, collect change in baby bottles car wash etc and donate the proceeds! It's the summer and kids love helping others!
Items we already have...
* A Carole joy Seid Seminar (of your choice) Gift Certificate!! Wahoo!
* 2 CD's and a Soap Gift basket from Generation Cedar!
* A gift certificate to Mother Wear ( nursing clothing)
* The Hole in our Gospel
* Brand new parallel amplified Bible
* New stylish back pack bag,
* Vision Forum CD
* Gift certificate to Starbucks
* Solomon Beads (see HERE! )
* Managers of Their Homes from Titus2 Ministries
* Hoping to get a Solomon Shirt
And we are JUST GETTING STARTED!!! The more donations we receive the more you can win!
Also, if you have a good working vehiecle you are not using, I can put you in contact with a WONDERFUL mom that is in need. ( Laseanda)If you have a reliable vehicle you want to sell for supercheap, please let me know and I'll see if we can raise enough to get it for her.
Check out the Richards family blog. http://mycupoverfloweth.blogspot.com/ We may not all be able to adopt but we can ALL help an orphan get HOME! Thanks so much! Pass this on to anyone you think would be interested and/or participate! These items will be sent directly to Stacy Richards.
Alida w5
____________ _________ _________ _________ ___
Some items we HOPE to get are...
Anything by the Botkin ladies, Kay Arthur, Sally Clarkson, Stacy MacDonald, The Harris Family, Voddie Baucham, Ray Comfort, Sm Davis, Wayne Israel, Chuck Smith, Stormie Omartian, Nancy DeMoss, Beth Morre, John Piper, Richard Wurmbrand, Usborne Books,
Any and all gift cards.
Barnes and Noble, Borders, Etc.
a pampered chef gift certificate,
something from Vision Forum,
A Lamplighter book,
perhaps the Noah Websters dictionary,
restaurant gift certificates etc...
Itunes gift cards
A free class of anything
Something from Dream Dinners
Gas Cards.
A Certificate to Christian Book.com
A Certificate to Timberdoodle Open to Suggestions
Unless someone care's
