Jul 1, 2008

Question For Obama..When does Life begin?

This is from Lisa Metzger over at http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/carolinametzgers/554522/"Amen and Amen! Obama is 100% pro-choice / pro-death and should NOT be our next president! He doesn't want to impose his supposed "pro-life views" on anyone else because it's deemed religious in nature. What about murder in general? Isn't that "religious" (remember the Ten Commandments)? Aren't you imposing your views on another when you think that murder is wrong? It is the same with the little babies in the womb! There's no difference at all between it being against the law when murdering your neighbor or when murdering a child in their mother's womb! You're always imposing your views, morals and values on a murderer when you tell him/her that she can't kill someone. I just don't understand the logic here...that's because there is none. Logic is absent when choice is convenient!"


Atheism-Pull the Plug

Unless someone care's

Unless someone care's

Compassion Verse

"Lifehouse Anything Skit"

Our Mighty Arrows

Our Mighty Arrows