Sep 10, 2010

How do I say this nicely...

Or perhaps, what I should have titled this "What I SHOULD have said!" Alright I'll just come on out and say it. A raffle takes a good deal of work. Distributing prizes does as well, especially as I am in the middle of preparing my home for homeschooling. If I travel all over all day delivering prizes with my 5 children (including my baby that hates the car and lets every body know it via an often times deafening ear piercing, glass shattering shriek/scream/WAIL) and I get to your door and you look out your window and refuse to open your door because you see a (minority) lady with a Kia full of kids that you don't recognize... I will not stand there at your door answering 20 questions trying to get you to open your door to deliver packages that I've gone out of my way to hand deliver to you and about 10 other people. I will not beg and plead. If you don't answer or don't want to open the door because you want to know who I am, what I am doing, how do I know you, What do I have, where I'm from, who the raffle is for, how I know the person from the raffle is for etc... ALL from your closed door, etc I'm LEAVING. I have dinner to make, children ( 5 of them) that need tending to, and I still have to sit in traffic to get home. It is both insulting and rude to a person that has been busting her behind to help others. (you) Obviously if you are to terrified to open the door your neighborhood is bad enough that I can't just leave your packages there. I will instead drive back home and you will have to descend from on high from your nice little neighborhood to my SANTA ANA mind you, to pick up your prize. :-)

One person was somewhat apologetic. I won't even get into details. I was thinking "Gee I know a few verses I could underline for you." You know the ones about not showing partiality. The ones about The mark of a Christian being their LOVE for others. Jesus said we are to "GO out into the world and make disciples.. I'm thinking that is pretty hard when you don't even open your door to someone based on appearances. What if I was a neighbor needing sugar? What if I needed help and was in danger? What if I was lost? What if I didn't know Christ and saw how this person treated others? Which leads me on my soapbox. I believe that true character is how you are to people that don't go to your church or look like you. It's about how you treat the non english speaking person, the waitress, or the homeless person that greets you, the person who comes to your door with a question (or stuff you may have won from a raffle! :-) True character is who you are when you don't think anyone (or anyone you know, or anyone you work with or attends your church) is around. I then had to explain to my kids (that were helping me deliver prizes as to the reason that people heard us knocking but wouldn't answer the door. AWESOME! Did they think we ( My 9 & 6 year olds) would rob them. Doesn't He own the cattle on a thousand hills? Isn't everything God's.

And what about this verse Hebrews 13:2 " Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. " OK, Off the soapbox. Most people (almost EVERYONE ) were VERY sweet and appreciative. Only a couple gave me a hard time. Thank you for not making life any harder than it has to be you wonderful saints that were kind and thankful. I appreciate your decency. Alida w5


Atheism-Pull the Plug

Unless someone care's

Unless someone care's

Compassion Verse

"Lifehouse Anything Skit"

Our Mighty Arrows

Our Mighty Arrows